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Hey guys this is not a chapter. I just want to inform you all that I won't be able to write for sometime. I am really very sorry for not updating. Even I want to continue writing regularly but am not able to. I am really very very sorry for not updating it.
The reason I am not able to update is that I had some exams in my college and I scored very bad marks in it so I am grounded right now until my final exams are not over i.e till March 22. I am only allowed to use phone much and you know it's not possible to write a long chapter in such a short time atleast for me it takes me time to write then check it. So I will be updating on 22 March as soon as I get my phone back I promise. I know many of you must be thinking that I am just making an excuse but my parents are really strict about studies and they want good results so sorry for inconvenience.
Plz do wait till the next update.
Thankyou for reading.
Sorry for keeping you guys waiting but I will definitely update on 22 March.

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