Part 7

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It was finally Friday today Angelina was suppose to come home.And no one in the house seemed to remember other than  Dante but he was not at home due to some work he was out station.He didn't wanted to go but had to because the work was very important so he left yesterday morning and would return till tomorrow night.

Before going he did informed his brothers about Angelina's arrival and her flight time but they didn't paid any attention to it.

So he just left knowing his brother very well he already said one of the driver to pick Angelina if any of his brother didn't go. He also told Angelina about him leaving for work and also gave her the drivers number just in case.

Angelina was sad that he won't be there when she goes home but she knows that the work might be really important so she just let it go and anyways he would return soon.

Angelina's pov

I was in the school just came here to say goodbye to my classmates and teachers.
I finished my exams yesterday only and today was the last day of school  before we have holidays for 15 days.
But for me it actually was last day of school as I will be transferred to another school.

I don't know how to feel about this whole  thing. On one side I am happy that finally I will be living with my and on other side I am hurt that my family didn't even bothered to ask or even tell me that they have decided to change my school. I got to know about this from my teachers.

I am going to miss this school so much. This school was like a second home for me for past 6 years. The teachers and students here are like family to me. The first years of me here were not that good but after the school principal was changed it became one of the best boarding school.All of my classmates and other students behave nicely with me and  All teachers here adore me and support me as I was one of the most brilliant student.

Did I told you guys that I have the high IQ  i.e 169. Because of my intelligence I am 2 years ahed of the students of my age. I am also good at playing piano I have won many competition also but my brothers don't know of it except Dante.

I always wanted my brothers to come to my competitions or any event I participated in and support me but that never happened except for Dante no one even bothered to call me or ask me how I am doing.
In starting years of boarding school we weren't allowed to use phone so There was no chance to talk to them only Dante used to call sometimes on school phone to talk to me. Than after we were allowed to use phone I used to call my brothers on weekends but they would not pick my call or cut it or just use to tell me that they are busy and I am disturbing them. So I also stopped calling them and only call Dante cuz he was the only one who cared for me used to always come to visit me bring ne gifts and necessary things.

Dante was the only one who used to ask me if I need anything and take me on shopping. That's why I am really close to Dante now and I just love me more than myself cuz he makes me feel i am wanted. I do love all my brothers even though they don't care much about me but Dante is my favourite and I can do anything for him.

Anyways now I am outside of the school taking the last glance of it I left for my hostel to collect my luggage and then to airport. Dante has arranged everything for my me. The flight tickets a cap to take me to airport and also gave me a drivers number in case my brothers don't come to pick me up which I know they won't.

My hands are know full of chocolates flowers and small gifts given to me by my teachers and classmates as goodbye gift. And I am very much thankful to it. I was in tears when I left the class. I am gonna miss it all. The good memories with my friends and teachers. And also because of this school only I meet my best friend so I am very thankful.

Time skip

I am now at California airport waiting for my brothers to come and pick me. It was four and a half hours flight from Chicago to California. I have been here for like half and hour waiting to see if any of my brother comes to pick me up but I think I need to go alone.

I tried calling my brothers but I don't have younger ones number as they frequently change there number and didn't bother to give me. I called Lorenzo but he didn't picked up might be in work and Luciano's phone was switched off and I didn't called Alexander because last time once I called him he said not to call him unless it is very important and Dante is out of station so can't call him. So I just called the driver whose number Dante gave me.
Did I told you guys I have lots of luggage like 3 big bags and my backpack and also a bags full of chocolates and gifts and flowers which my friends and teachers gave me. I am very tired only I know how I managed to bring all this luggage. I Just wish that driver comes fast and take me home so I can finally rest.
After few minutes driver came and I did recognise him he is uncle John. He always pick me up from airport whenever I come home and also takes me wherever I want. He is working for us for Many years know and is a nice guy.I went to him.
" Hello, uncle John how are you?" I greeted him he looked at me and smiled
" I am great child how are you it's been long since I last saw you. You have become more beautiful now I must say." He said playfully. He always say this whenever I meet him.
" Thankyou for the compliment and I am fine." I said with a smile
He then took my luggage to the car and I helped him. And we are ready to go.
"Who are all those chocolates and flowers for? " He asked with frown
" They are not for someone. My friends and teachers gave me this as goodbye gift as I will be studying here from now on." I said
" Oh that's great I see u are still loved by everyone around you." He said with a smile.
I just smiled and started thinking if my will ever love me like they loved me earlier.
With all this thought going on in my mind we reached mansion. And as always it looks beautiful. Now I am excited to meet my sisters.  After so long  I will see them will they like me. A thought came in my mind but I just brushed it off and went inside the mansion.

Hi guys,
Hope you like this chapter and sorry I was late in updating it . Hope you like it. Plz do vote and next part is coming soon.
If you find any mistake plz do tell me so I can correct it

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