Part 6

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Leone Mansion

It's been 3 days since the girls had came to mansion.Both the girls are adjusting well with the boys. The boys are pampering the girls beyond limit and the girls are enjoying it especially Amelia.

Amelia was like over the sky with all those pampering and after getting Angelina's room,She even took some of Angelina's stuff like dressess and jwellery. Boys didn't noticed much and Ariana noticed but cared less.

In morning everyone was having there breakfast in dinning room. Elder boys were discussing about there work. While younger boys were talking with Amelia and Ariana about some movies and actors. And Dante was scrolling through his phone.

Suddenly Dante's phone ring caught everyone attention. Dante looked at the caller ID and smiled softly. After seeing Dante smile everyone became curious of whose call is it.Dante picked up the call everyone looked at him.

"Hello" he said softly everyone looked at him shocked cuz he never speak to anyone this softly not even to Amelia and Arian. Even his elder brothers were shocked.All of them became more attentive and listen to him carefully.

But before he could say anything further Matteo who was sitting next to him snatched his phone and put it on speaker.Dante glared at him dangerously but he cared less.
" Hello Dante are you there,. Hello?" Came a angelic voice from other side of the phone. The youngsters looked at him suspiciously while the elder boys started to think who the girl was.
" Dante are you there?" Said the girl again.
" Yes, Angelina I am there, sry I was just zoned out." Replied Dante emphasising her name.
Everyone looked at the phone shocked as they were hearing her voice after so long and were not able to recognise her.
" Ok, so have you had your breakfast."asked Angelina.
"Yes I had my breakfast." Dante said as he almost finished his breakfast.
" Good, actually I was getting bored at school as I have a 2 periods off so thought to call you. Are you free now."
Said Angelina cutely.
Everyone unknowingly smiled at this except Amelia she just rolled her eyes.
" Of course I am always free for my Angle." Dante replied

Everyone looked at him amazed cuz this was a total new Dante they were seeing. He was totally different person with Angelina. To this Ariana felt little jealous. And Amelia was angry because he doesn't talk like this with her.

" That's good. So are you taking care of yourself. And I hope you didn't get into any fight after that day." Asked Angelina sternly.
Dante just smiled and replied
" Yes mam, I am taking care of myself and didn't got in any fight. You tell me how are you? did you had ur breakfast? Is your health ok?" Asked Dante like a caring brother.
" Yes I am perfectly fine, and I also had my breakfast before coming to school." Replied Anglina being hesitate in last sentence.
" What did you had for breakfast?" Asked Dante sternly.
" Um...A cup of coffee" said Angelina laughing nervously.
" A cup of coffee is not a breakfast, how many times should I tell you not to skip breakfast but you don't listen to will damage your health like this." Said Dante scolding Angelina in a loving manner.
" I didn't skipped my breakfast on my own. I woke up late today and the breakfast was closed so what should I do and I don't like our school canteen food."
Said Angelina defending herself.
" Ok but don't do it again and have ur lunch properly today." Dante ordered
" Ok boss." Said Angelina making him chuckle.
" By the way Dante I wanted to ask you something. Um.. do you know anything about me being transferred to another school. Actually today my teachers were telling me that I am being transferred to other school." Asked Angelina.
Dante looked at Alexander for second and than replied.
"Yes you are being transferred in the school here with boys and ur twins. Do you have any problem with it if you have than you can tell me. I will cancle the transfer." Said Dante to which Alexander raised his eyebrow but Dante didn't care much.
" No I don't have any problem it just that I wasn't informed about it earlier. If I knew about transfer I would have completed my sone jobs here earlier. Now I need to rush for that. It's just that I wanted them to ask to me once before taking decision but it's ok." Said Angelina slowly and sadly
" Ok Now I will take my leave I have some work to finish.I will be coming there on Friday that is day after tomorrow till than You take care and Love you." Said Angelina
" Kay, I will be waiting for you and You too take care and love you too" Dante said with a smile.
Everyone was feeling little jealous after hearing there conversation but didn't show it.

After cutting the call he looked at others to find them staring at him so he asked"What?"
"Nothing just checking if you are real or not.vLucas plz pinch me am I dreaming the Dante Leone who is always cold to everyone was speaking so softly to Angelina.OUCh" Luca said dramatically and hisses in pain as Lucas pinched him hard.
" Why the hell didi you pinched me so hard." Said Luca to Lucas.
"U only said me " stated Lucas. Luca looked at him with so done faced he was about to say something but was cut off by Dante.
"You didn't asked Angelina about transfer and nor did you told her." Dante said coldly looking at Alexander.
"I was about to tell her but forgot. I was busy in some work." Said Alexander emotionlessly but somewhere he was feeling guilty.
Dante just scoffed at him and went from there muttering something which no one heard.

" I didn't knew they both were this close. He seemed so happy while speaking to her. And it's after so long time I heard Anglina. "  Luciano said. Other boys just nodded there head in agreement.
" Since when is Angelina in boarding school." Ariana asked
" Since she was 10 years" answered Lorenzo.
" What, at such young age but why?" Asked Ariana
" Was she not good at studies or something that you had to put her in boarding school." Asked Amelia
Boys kept silent not knowing what to answer. 
"It was for her betterment." Replied Alexander breaking the silence.
Girls just nodded still not convinced with his answer but just let it go.
After breakfast all went to there respective work. But were still thinking about Angelina somewhere in there mind.

Hi, guys
You may find this chapter little boring and sry for it actually I was little busy today and didn't get time to think properly.But the next chapters will be interesting. Hope you like this
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