Chapter : 4

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I didn't realize that I was standing so close to her


I was struggling to put the book on top shelf as my hands I couldn't reach there. Suddenly a hand took book from my hand and placed it on top shelf. I could smell a manly cologne and I knew that Mr. Kim was standing close to me. I slowly turned around saw him towering over my small figure. My heart skipped a beat and my heart started beating so fast. He looked at me and I could feel his breath on my face. That's how close we were standing.

Finally he realized it and quickly moved away. As he moved he lost his balance and caught my arm resulting me to fall with him... Sorry on the top of him. I fell on his hard, well built chest. My lips were on his cheeks sooo close to his lips. Adrenaline rushed through my veins and I could feel my body heating up. At this point I knew I was red as tomato. I quickly moved away and looked at him and he did the same. He fake coughed and I quickly tried to get up but failed and again fell on him. Then I realized that my hairs are stuck in his shirt's button.

What kind of kdrama is happening with me. I tried to free my hairs. After so many struggles, I freed my hairs and quickly got up. I was avoiding eye contact and he was doing the same. Suddenly we both decided to talk at the same time

Yn/Mr. Kim : I thin- 

Yn/Mr. Kim : You go fi-

We slightly chuckled and it helped to lighten up the atmosphere only for few seconds. It was getting so awkward until he spoke

Mr. Kim : Y-Yn you can go now. But you have to come tomorrow and complete your work

Yn : Ok Thank you so much Mr. Kim. I'll be leaving now

I bowed, grabbed my bag and left with the speed of light

Mr. Kim : What just happened? What was that? Anyways I should also leave now

<Next Day>


I reached my home, threw my bag on floor and jumped on my bed. I grabbed my pillow and started screaming in it. I started talking to myself

Yn : Arrrgghhhhhh.... That was so awkward. Gosh why? just why? Why do you have to make such a handsome guy my professor? WHYYY? Life is so unfair. Of he wouldn't have been my professor, I would've proposed him and would've made him my boyfriend. But wait... Do I have that much courage? Nooo

I started laughing and then again started screaming. I know I'm behaving like a mental patient right now.

Yn : Ah I'm hungry. I should order something

I was so hungry and tired from all the work that Mr. Handsome jerk made me do, so I ordered pizza. After 30 minutes my pizza arrived. I started eating pizza while watching Kdrama. But my mind was playing all the kdrama that happened between me and Mr. Kim

Yn : It wasn't bad though. Wait you brat. stfu. He's your professor

I just decided to sleep and that's how I spent my lazy day.

<Next Day>

I woke up early so that I won't be late for university and wouldn't have to get scolded from him. I just wanna ignore him as much as possible after yesterday's incident.
When I reached classroom, I sighed in relief as Mr. Kim wasn't present in class yet. I quickly rushed toward my seat

Eunbi : Hey you are early today

Yn : Oh yeah I just woke up early

After few minutes, Mr. Kim entered class. His eyes met mine and we both quickly looked away.

Eunbi : hmmmm... I smell something fishy.

Yn : Oh maybe because I ate seafood yesterday

Eunbi : Do you really think you can change topic so easily? Do you think I am pabo?

Yn : Yeah I do

Eunbi : yahhhh yo-

Taehyung : everyone be quiet

Mr. Kim interrupted us and continued his lecture. He avoided eye contact with me and I did the same. After some time his class ended and he left immediately without giving a glance at class.

I sighed as I remembered that I still have that stupid UnOfFiciAl punishment to complete. Arrgh.. I don't wanna face him.
I dragged my feet toward his office. I mustered up courage and knocked on his office door.

Taehyung : Come in

I heard his deep and husky voice. My heartbeat increased. I entered his office lowering my head. I slowly looked up and quickly looked everywhere but him.

Taehyung : O-oh you are already here. You can start your work

Yn : Okay M-Mr Kim

Gosh this is so awkward. I quickly went near his office library and started doing my work. I wanted to finish it as soon as possible and wanna run away from here. Mr. Kim started doing his work on his laptop.

<1 hour later>

After placing last book on shelf, I sighed in relief.

Yn : Mr. Kim I arranged all the books in your library. Can I leave now.

Taehyung : Good work Yn. Here's your award.

He had a chocolate bar in his hand. Mr. Kim is giving me chocolate bar? But why?

Yn : It's alright Mr. Kim. You don't have to.

Taehyung : Why? You don't like chocolates?

Yn : No I lov- I mean I don't hate chocolates bu-

Taehyung : But what? Just take it. I found it in my drawer and I don't wanna eat it so I'm giving it to you

Oh that's why. Stupid me. I thought... Anyways let's just take it. It's just a chocolate

I took chocolate bar from his hand and thanked him. He smiled. Oh my gosh. His smile is so beautiful. TF Yn. You again forgot he's your professor. I snapped out my thoughts and quickly walked out of his office. I don't know why I was blushing. Anyways I should go home now.


I heard girls like chocolates. I just wanted to give her lil reward of her hard work. She's so cute and beautiful at the same time. Wait... I shouldn't think like that about her. She's my student. But I'm only here for one year and I won't be her professor after that. Still she's m-... Argh whatever I should leave now.


What's wrong with my ff. I'm getting votes but no views. WTF is wrong with it 😩😵

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