Chapter : 39

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Doctor : I don't get it. I don't see any signs of depression. People usually have suicidal thoughts when they are in depression. One thing for sure is she's taking some kind of stress. But that alone doesn't explain her not responding to treatment.

I was on the brink of falling apart. It's getting too much. Too much to bear at the same time.

Was imagining having a normal life too much?
Was wishing to live with her for the rest of my life too much?
Was spending my life every moment happily, making memories with her, and laughing with her at our silly jokes too much?
Did I ask for too much?

The doctor was looking at me with pitiful eyes. Yes, I was looking so helpless, broken and pathetic. Pathetic because I think somewhere I am the cause of all of this mess.

Doctor : We are trying our best. She must wake up within 2 or 3 days. If not there are high chances of brain death. Or even if she wakes up, her brain won't function properly.

It's feeling like my brain is dying. What did she do to deserve it? She doesn't know how much I was waiting for her desperately. I was better off without her if she had to show up like this. I suffered without her and am now suffering with her. But this time it's more than just suffering. It's painful, so painful that it feels like it is shredding my brain and heart in pieces but at the same time I'm feeling numb from anything.

Doctor : Stay strong Mr. Kim. We're trying our best. We've seen many cases like this. The majority of them recover from it. So there's still hope.

He placed his hand on my shoulder slightly caressing it. He gave a reassuring smile but deep down he wasn't sure himself.

I just nodded my head and he left. I sat on the bench waiting for the news that she was ok. She has to be alright. I've so many things to talk about to her, so many places to show her, so many complaints and so many dates to go on and forget our past.

We shouldn't have let any problem happen between us. When I think about our past misunderstanding, it's ridiculous. Our love for each other wasn't that weak then how it happened?

Wooseok : Taehyung-ah you should eat something. You haven't eaten anything since morning. And I doubt you ate anything in the morning too.

He sat beside me and caressed my shoulder. He was worried. He was worried for me as well as for her.

Taehyung : I'm not hungry

I said looking down. I was lying that's why I looked down. I am hungry but I don't wanna eat. I'm not in a condition to eat right now while my Yn is lying on the hospital bed lifeless.

Wooseok : I know you are lying. Taehyung-ah... Don't do this with yourself. You have to stay strong for her and yourself. She'll be alright. Let's go and eat something before you end up beside her on the hospital bed

He tried to lighten up the mood but it successfully failed. I just nodded my head because I knew he was genuinely worried for me.

Wooseok : Let's go


We're still waiting outside the ward. It's been 7 hours and still no news of her.

Wooseok : Don't worry. She'll wake up

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