Chapter : 14

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Yn : Don't worry. Everything will be alright.

He became shocked at first but then calmed down. He hugged her back snuggling in her neck. He inhaled her fragrance. It was the first time they hugged each other. For Yn it was just a friendly hug not knowing that for someone she was his whole life. He was holding his life in his arms.

Taehyung entered classroom with Ms. Hwang and saw Yn and Yeonjun hugging each other. His blood boiled when he saw Yeonjun snuggling in her neck. He tried to stay calm but her anger was taking best of him.

Taehyung : Ms. Hwang Today you'll be taking class. Here's few notes. I'm not feeling well so I'll be resting in my office

Ms. Hwang : But Mr. Ki-

Without letting her complete her sentence, he left.


I was consoling Yeonjun that I didn't even notice when Mr Kim and Ms. Hwang entered classroom. But Mr. Kim suddenly left. Hel looking kind of angry I think or maybe I'm just imagining it. All students started whispering about why did he left as soon as he entered the classroom

Ms. Hwang : Mmm students Mr. Kim isn't feeling well so I'll take your class today

Boys became happy but girls started whining. As Mr. Kim was famous among girls, Ms. Hwang was famous among boys. Also Ms. Hwang was flirty type so boys enjoyed her company.

She started teaching in the most boring way ever. I almost dozed off. Many students were already dozing off.

I kept on thinking about what happened to Mr. Kim.

"Why did he suddenly left. Was he really not feeling well? Should I go to him? Wait he's my professor and he treats me as his student. So it'll be inappropriate for a student to go to his office without any specific reason."

I didn't realize Eunbi was blabbering for half an hour

Eunbi : Hey gurl back to earth. Did you even listen what am I talking?

Yn : Huh? Oh sorry. What were you saying

Eunbi : Where are you so lost? You were also lost somewhere during whole class

Yn : Class is already ended?

Eunbi : You need to see a doctor

Yn : Sorry duh

Eunbi : Anyways. I was saying that we are going tomorrow

Yn : Where?

Eunbi : Aish. This girl. To visit Yeonjun's grandma

Yn : Oh yeah. I forgot

Eunbi : And you call me Pabo

Yn : Cuz you are. I'm gonna grab something to drink. Wanna come

Eunbi : Nah I'm not coming. Just bring me cola. I'm feeling tired

Yn : Ok

I was walking through hall toward. I was again lost in thoughts about Mr. Kim. Hall was almost empty because finals are coming and everyone's busy studying except me.

I was so lost in my own world. I didn't realize I was walking toward Mr. Kim's office

Yn : WTF is wrong with me? Why did I came here?

I was about to go but then suddenly I felt someone grab my wrist and pulled me toward his hard chest. I looked up and saw Mr. Kim. My eyes widened in shock.

He again grabbed my hand and tried to pull me in his office.

Yn : Stop. What are you doing?

I struggled to free my wrist from him but he was stronger than me obviously. He pulled me in his office and locked the door. He pinned me on the wall near door, held my both wrist beside my head and growled in his deep voice

Taehyung : What the fck were you doing in class?

Yn : W-What are y-you saying Mr. Kim?

I was getting goosebumps all over my body. I never saw this side of him before. He was looking so scary.

Taehyung : Don't you understand? With that MF YEONJUN. WHY TF YOU WERE HUGGING HIM

I got more scared and shocked at the same time. I've never heard him cursing. And also he was looking so mad. He was panting heavily. His eyes were red due to rage. He tightened his grip on my wrists and I'm sure it'll leave mark. It was paining. I winced in pain

Yn : Mr. Kim l-leave me. If y-you don't I-I'll shout

Taehyung : Ok shout.

Yn : ........

Taehyung : Shout.

Yn : ........

I was silent. I didn't have courage to even talk

Taehyung : I SAID SHOUT

I flinched so badly. My eyes welled up with tears.
But I can't tolerate this anymore. Now I remember clearly. It wasn't hallucination. He really kissed me outside the club. I had too much. I gained a lil courage and confronted him.

Yn : What's your problem? Now I remember clearly. You also dragged me out when I went to club with my friends and kissed me forcefully. What's your FKING problem Mr. Kim? IT'S MY LIFE. I'll do what I want. You are no one to stop me. I hug him, date him, kiss it's not your problem. Even if I sleep with him IT'S NOT YOUR FKIN PROBLEM.

Suddenly his grip on my hand tightened and he smashed his lips on mine. He was kissing me so roughly and harshly. I tried to push him but he was so strong. But I tried and pushed him with all my strength

Yn : Why are you doing this to me?


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