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With his head pulled in, Viktor sat at the bar while a bunch of people he didn't know surrounded him.

Their question asking and confident way of approaching him was a bit intimidating, but he didn't have any other choice since you had gotten lost in the crowd.

He just tried to sit it out in hopes you would find him.

"What can I get ya?", a large man approached behind the bar.

He was huge, a giant in the flesh, with large arms and a dark look on his face. At second glance he smiled though.

The lower half of his face was covered in a thick beard, his hair as brown as chestnuts.

"Hello.", Viktor put on a polite smile. "I'd like two drinks please."

The man looked past Viktor.

In the distance, you could be seen talking to Sevika.

"One for that friend of yours over there, eh?", the man asked and nodded into your direction.

Viktor threw a glance over his shoulder. A hint of gloominess lit up inside his amber eyes, mixed with displeasure.

"Yes please.", he said and eyed the man. "Uh... Sir?"

"Vander.", Vander grabbed two huge glasses to fill them up to the brim. "Ya should be a little careful, eh? Not everyone who comes here is good news."

With a hum, Viktor took the drinks to claim them before someone of his newly found friends could snatch it.

For a brief second, Vander eyed him before turning away to cater to other people.

A deep sigh escaped Viktor.

His hands wrapped around the handles of the glasses, but at the same time he didn't want to try and get up.

A cold shiver crawled down his spine as the thought of falling in front of all these people crossed his mind.

He hated to admit it, but even though he tried all he could, he still felt like he wasn't equal to the people in the Undercity.

He knew that life down here was a game of survival and he had been born with bad cards.

Every day he felt like he pushed you down with him.

Even the smallest of things were a challenge to him. You always reassured him that it wasn't a problem, yet he wanted to stand by your side instead of being carried along.

And yet, he never felt as loved by a person as he did with you.

That only made the decision harder.

Unconsciously, his hand reached into his pocket to feel for the metal plate.

This was literally his golden ticket into the academy, out of Zaun and up to Piltover.

Of course he knew that the rich and fancy wouldn't welcome him with open arms. But up where they didn't see his limb as a weakness but rather a flaw, his chances of surviving were higher.

Once he was gone, your life would turn easier. You would have more time to yourself instead of looking out for him all the time.

Maybe it was for the better if he'd take this chance and left.

Was that why you had proposed the idea?

Did you want to get rid of him?

His fingers tightly wrapped around the plate, so tight, until his knuckles started burning.

"Viktor?", a soft voice tore him from his thoughts.

Struck by surprise, his head snapped up to meet your eyes.

A hot lightning chased through his body and made his cheeks glow.

"(Y/N).", he couldn't help but smile. "I got us drinks."

He passed one of the glasses on to you.

With a warning expression, you hushed the strangers around away before you took a seat next to him.

The first sip made you pull a face. It wasn't just strong but also had an unholy taste to it that made your insides twist and turn.

Shivering, you glanced over to Viktor and almost fell from your chair.

Like a champ, he benched half the glass before putting it down to catch his breath.

A slim layer of shimmering liquid covered his pale lips. One of the drops managed to find its way to his chin, where it slid along the sharp jawline and dripped down his thin neck to disappear in the collar of his shirt.

Your eyes followed the shimmering trail as if it was the only thing that could interest you in all eternity.

Your mind went blank all of a sudden. All you could do was swallow hard.

Your heart beat wildly inside your chest anyways.

"Are you alright?", Viktor asked and put a hand on your forehead. "You look so red. But you do feel fine..."

Ashamed, you turned your eyes away.

"I'm fine...", you mumbled, almost embarrassed that your childhood friend made you feel the things you felt in that moment.

His head tilted to the side, making the kong strands of his perfectly brown hair slightly jiggle.

"Are you sure? Maybe you did get sick this morning.", his hand moved to your cheek to gently force your gaze back into his direction. "We can go home if you want to."

He smiled softly, obviously willing to sacrifice the good mood for your well-being.

The realisation that Viktor would literally sacrifice anything for you, his own fun, will and the chances to make a life of his own, struck you like lightning.

Of corse you two had been close like no one else and yet it was shocking.

If it were for Viktor, he'd make heaven burn and hell freeze if it meant doing you good.

It scared you how dedicated he was.

It scared you because that meant there was no chance in a million years he'd leave you behind to apply to the academy.

"Shit...", a soft curse slipped from your lips.

The sensation that his fingers on your cheek send through your body was enough to make you shiver.

Viktor took it as a sign of  you being cold.

Concerned, his eyebrows pulled together.

We should get going, he put the drink down.

"No, let's have some fun.", you tried to make him stay. "It's your birthday."

But he refused.

"I want to go.", he slipped from your grip.

It was a lie. Of course it was.

But you didn't want to start another fight.

Ever since you had given him that invite to the academy, he seemed changed.

Maybe you had done a mistake.

Viktor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now