|~{Chaoter 22: Wholesome Moments}~|

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Scar was sort of half asleep, he had spent the entire day building and helping out the dsmp members so he felt like he just needed to rest.
. . .
"Hey, uh Scar?"
"Hm? Oh Hey, Tubbo! Come on in."
Tubbo entered, Scar's base was actually very cosy and the cosy atmosphere was confirmed more with Scar's cat, Jellie, sitting on his lap.
"Oh, what's that metal on your legs. . .?"
Scar looked at he legs,"Oh, these were made by Doc. They give me the ability to walk.", Tubbo was surprised, Scar sighed,"I can't exactly feel my legs and I haven't walked in years but this metal contraption helps me walk.", Scar took off the metal machine, showing it to Tubbo as he was seated on his bed petting Jellie.
"Woah. . . you have a bunch of genius on this Server."
"Pretty much, we're like a nuclear family and we all get along."
Scar smiled as Jellie cuddled up to him, Tubbo put the metal contraption or machine down ontop of a chest and turned to Scar.
"Actually, I really wanted to talk to you."
"Oh, really?"
Tubbo nods, honestly he had so nervous about talking to Scar alone and really wanted to talk to him.
"I just really wanted to say you are really are my favourite YouTuber.", Scar was surprised,"Really?", Tubbo smiled,"Yeah, I always loved your builds and your videos are like my way to escape from a stressful day.", Scar smiled,"Awe, that's so sweet.", Tubbo smiled,"I honestly didn't think it was really you till after a while, and I've always wanted to meet you but I have always been too shy to talk to you.", Scar smiled, pointing to himself,"Well, I'm also scared to talk to people; Why don't we do it together?", Tubbo smiled, goodness this man really was as wholesome as they said he was.


"Hey, Dream?-"
"P-Phil, help. . ."
Philza froze, Dream's room was completely covered in the room and saw Dream sitting in the bathroom.
Dream was holding a towel to his face, shaking and trying to get up even though he was bleeding from the face, the leg and arm.
"What happened?!"
Philza help him up, Dream grits his teeth and Philza took him to the kitchen.


"My goodness, how did this happen?"
Foolish cleaned the wounds while Ponk looked for a few bandages and a plaster for his eye.
"I. . . I dunno, I barely remember. . . I think. . . I think I was sleepwalking again, or I passed out randomly and I hit something on my way down.", Foolish was concerned about the sleepwalking, Ponk then came over and placed a plaster on his cuts and the eye,"Don't remember the plasters no matter what; Okay?", Dream nods, but he smiled and tired to see the bright side,"But hey; Now I'm a Pirate!", Foolish chuckled, Ponk smiled and suggested they go to bed and if Dream could sleep in Foolish's room just in case he tried to sleepwalk again.
Which Dream agreed to do.


"Night, Grian."
Grian got off his zoom call with his wife and son, sighing as he took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes before putting them down.
He saw Mumho was asleep, he must have fallen asleep too long again and went into what we call; AFK or in Mumbo's case- Narcolepsy.
"Alright, let's get you to bed Mumbo Jumbo."
Grian got Mumbo into another bed he had, it was best to go to bed and pick up more tomorrow.
"Let's hope we can fix whatever happened with our servers."


"Callahan are you still working?"
Callahan didn't reply, not like he could talk or anything but he didn't even reply with the Pipboy.
. . .
"Okay-This is were I draw a line with your workaholic side."
Callahan was surprised to have been picked up by Sapnap, he tried to struggle but he was surprised by how strong Sapnap was, he didn't think of it in a mean way he just had never seen Sapnap use his full strength seeing as he was a blaze hybird of some kind.


Sapnap kept Callahan close as they sat on his bed, humming slightly as he waited for Callahan to give up and agree to go to sleep.
Though, because of amount of heat radiating off him and the humming made him sleepy.
. . .
Callahan went limb, Sapnap checked and Callahan was asleep and resting his head on his shoulder.
"Is he out?"
"Out like a light."
Hannah smiled, she had came in to check up on them and was glad Sapnap managed to get him to sleep.
"Hopefully tomorrow we can work this whole situation out."
"I agree, though Callahan should hopefully be more refreshed by tomorrow."
. . .

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