~~Prologue - The Battle for the Potters Cottage~~

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If you want to read about Harry and his twin right NOW, then move to the next chapter. 
This chapters just a world builder.

Asha and her brother Harry were twins.

They had a slightly younger brother: Gordon Potter who had jet black hair and a big nose.

Sirius Black had convinced Peter Pettigrew that it would be safer to make him the gate keeper in secret as they had heard of the prophecy regarding Voldemort, and he suspected the Death Eaters knew about his role. 
What they didn't expect was for Peter to betray them to the dark lord. 

He convinced the potters to let him, Lupin and Sirius to take custody of their kids whilst James and Lily Potter had some sparce alone time. 
Once they had left, Peter gave the signal to Voldemort as he began distracting his former friends in the living room until the door burst open.

Lupin and Sirius immediately pulled their wands out in shock, but Peter - being the coward he was - used this moment of panic to charge at Lupin, sending them out of the window!

"Who's there!" Sirius called, not daring to look around the corner. 
He was visibly shaking as he stepped Infront of the stairs as to defend the twins. A hand slowly appeared with a wand out.
"Dear old Sirius... I'm afraid you know who it is..." The man mocked, "Now if you would be so kind as to let me past to the twins." 
Sirius held his ground as he slowly stepped up the stairs. 

Outside, Lupin broke free of Peter's grip and dived for cover.
A volley of enchantment flew past his head as he masterfully blocked a couple.
"What's gotten into you!" Lupin screamed, breaking cover to attack Peter.
"Well... The benefits outweighed the costs..." Peter stuttered, acting all innocent whilst daringly dodging Lupins spells. 
If you saw the sky, you would have thought it was a firework display - green and red sparked accompanying orange flames and a blue mist.

Inside the house, Sirius had managed to not start battle - but he now had nowhere left to retreat to.
"Is this how far you've fallen Tom?" Sirius asked, attempting to anger him into making mistakes, "Attacking babies with no way to defend themselves?"
"If you had heard the prophecy, you would do the same thing." Voldemort said sweetly before turning the last corner. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" 
Sirius managed to dive behind a bookshelf, "PROTEGO!"
"CONFRINGO" Voldemort screamed, basting the bookshelf in a fiery explosion! It was lucky Sirius used a shield spell.
They were deadlocked for a couple seconds before Sirius managed to deflect the spell into the wall. A huge crack began to form.

Sirius deflected many more attacks as he was suddenly on the back foot.
Another explosion hit the wall sending to collapse on top of both of them. It became deadly silent for about ten seconds - then the dark lord stumbled up from the wreckage and got eye contact of his prey. 
Three little babies, All frightened, were staring at the battlefield with open eyes. 
Voldemort looked at Sirius on the ground and kicked him. There was no response, he was out cold. 
Voldemort felt a race case of mercy as he ignored Sirius's lifeless body and wickedly loomed over the babies. 


Lupin had easily disarmed Peter, but he noticed the silence radiating from the Potter's cottage. He swiftly ran towards the house, thinking he had left Peter behind. He had not...
Lupin charged up the stairs and ran amongst the rubble. 
"Sirius!" He said in shock - on the floor before him was his friend's body, barely breathing... 
He looked up to see all his fears come to one place - Voldemort was at the twins... 

The world seemed to stop as he looked around before slowly walking up to face the Dark Lord. 
"STUPEFY!" Lupin screamed desperately.
Voldemort didn't even turn around to deflect it. He just waved his wrist. 
"Hello Lupin..." He said slowly. "It isn't polite to greet someone in that way..." 
"You stand away from the kids!" Lupin ordered to deaf ears. 
"Okay... you're boring me now... Pettigrew, now." 


Lupin fell the ground unconscious. Behind him stood Peter Pettigrew holding a broken metal board with a fresh blood stain on it. 

Voldemort looked at him and did a rare thing - smiled. 
"You've exceeded my expectations Pettigrew..." He spoke. 
"It was a pleasure, my lord." 
"Quiet! Now for the reason we have arrived here in the first place." Voldemort turned towards the infants. 
One of the twins stared at him as if he was inspecting the stranger whilst the other wept in his pillow.
Voldemort could sense the magic from the two boys, but he knew what had to be done.


A bright green light filled the room, followed be a shattering scream of pain. 
Peter opened his eyes slowly to see infants, but not his master...
"My lord?" He called multiple times, "What on earth has happened..."

He heard screams and shout from outside - Lily and James were back!
Now, Peter may have been a coward, but he was not stupid. He knew he had to create a lie about Sirius and Lupin before they could blame him. 

Once the Potters had made it inside the house, they saw Sirius and Lupin's bodies on the floor and a panting Peter Pettigrew guarding their children. 
Lily immediately ran over to her babies whilst James had frantically checked the pulses of this friends. 
"Peter! What happened?" Lily cried, hugging Gordon tightly. 

Peter spoke slowly, being careful not to mess up the story.
"They betrayed us..." He wheezed, "Sirius... And L-Lupin... They let 'You Know Who' In..."

"WHAT!" James cried, clearly not believing his friends would do that.
"I-I feel the same way... They managed to get me thrown out of the window after I had knocked out Sirius... They then did the k-killing curse on your babies!" He braced for the ridiculous part. "B-But THEY SURVIVED WHILST HE VANISHED! I then knocked out Lupin - I-I just c-couldn't bring myself to kill them..." Peter perfectly acted the frightened hero as he looked down, forcing fake tears out.

There was silence for a minute. The Potters could not believe their babies surviving the curse.
"H-How did they survive?" James asked, opened mouthed. 
"I don't know!" Peter replied honestly. "It was as if the spell deflected off them, into him."


Lupin and Sirius were sent straight to Azkaban without anyone listening to them and no trial. 

Peter, on the other hand, was regarded as a hero. He had gotten everyone to believe his story and the phrase, "The boy who lived" was seen on headlines all over the wizarding world!
Everyone began to believe Gordon was the baby who saved the three of them. 
This was just a rumour that got out and became a 'fact'.
 But it meant that the love provided between the infants became heavily one-sided against the slightly older twins.

Harry and Asha both had the scar from the event however... Not Gordon. 
Nobody seemed to notice that.

The ABUSED twin... - Asha Potter - Harry Potter OCWhere stories live. Discover now