~~~Chapter 28: An eye and a stone~~~

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Silence echoed in the room with only the burning flame to be heard. 
Quirrell walked around the mirror, still inspecting it, waiting for either of the two children to pull anything or an order from his master. 

From along the corridor, an argument could be heard between three voices. 
One of them sounded as if he thought he should lead the argument but instead seemed to be side lined as the other two argued, ignoring him. 

This progressively caused the voice - which could be identified as Gordon's - to get more and more agitated and louder. 

"You should never mentions such stuff about that man! He tried to kill me!" He bellowed, for instance.

The reply's were always overconfident and quiet causing them to be inaudible from the room next door, where Harry and Asha were.  

Harry looked at Asha and shook his head. 
"You even took accomplices I bet they have hurt Hermione..."

Asha responded silently by shaking her head repeatedly, with wide eyes.

Quirrell was beginning to get confused why he wasn't being ordered to attack them. From his perspective, they were simply two children who were not even working together at that moment! 
However, Voldemort was smart - when it was only Harry he wanted to get the job done and get the stone, but with multiple people, he would rather feed off of the chaos. The way he saw it, no risk could be overlooked due to mistrust in his host so until those faces were revealed the best thing was to keep the stone trapped within the room.
Hence Voldemort, almost inaudibly inside Quirrell's head, told him to wait for a proper opportunity.

Suddenly there was a yell and soon a crash from where Nyra was standing before.
Asha could hear more yelling and soon another crash which was followed by a triumphant roar.

Asha and Harry glanced at each other briefly before a boy came wobbling into into the doorway, only stopping due to the fire.

"Gordon..." Asha spoke sharply before looking at Harry who shot her another horrible look.

"So there is a family problem ey?" Voldemort inquired in a mock sympathetic voice. "All three of the siblings are together and yet none of them want to see the others..."

"I-I want to see Harry." Asha retorted.

"And not your saviour?" Voldemort asked.

"Yeah, not me?" Gordon asked, clearly showing his ego on full display.

"That depends, where's Nyra?" Asha muttered under her breathe, not looking at him.

"Frozen.. Nothing more than what she deserves."

"I... You..." Asha stumbled over her words. 

Your alone now

Asha held a hand to her head and tried to shake the voice.

"I saved you." Gordon said, before looking up to see who else was in the room. 

"Saved her from what?" Harry retorted, almost instantly retaking Asha's side, "The man you saved her from, before you knew how to walk may I add,  is right behind me." 

Harry's full attention was on Gordon instead of the man behind him who jumped over to him hastily. 

"Boy, my master needs a drink." Quirrell spoke with authority. He loomed over Harry whilst he was turning around. , "Join us and give the stone... Or die."

Harry looked panicked and backed up almost into the flames. 
He looked for a way out but Quirrell spoke before he got anywhere.
"Give the stone. NOW!" 

Harry shook his head slowly before hiding the stone behind his back and excepting his fate. 
Asha could see Gordon attempting to grab the stone over the flames. 

Quirrell scowled viciously and grabbed Harry by the neck, sending them both to the ground. Harry's wand went flying across the room. 

Asha ran over to help Harry but wandless magic sent her flying into a wall, inches away from a flame. 

All three of the first years had to do a double take, however, when smoke started emitting from Quirrell's hands and he pulled back in excruciating pain whilst screaming .

Harry immediately tried getting up, but as soon as he put any weight on his legs he fell back down in pain. 
Asha ran over to him and crouched down by him. 
"W-What do I do Harry..." Asha asked, picking up the stone which was now laying on the cold stone floor.

Unhelpfully, Gordon answered for him, "Give it to me! Then the stone is out of reach." 

Asha simply gave him a death stare and then shrugged and stuck her tongue out before turning around and seeing Quirrell hold her hand in his other hand as if Harry had stabbed it.

Why is he in pain? Asha wandered to herself and she clenched the stone harder as if someone was about to grab it who was close.

"Get the stone! Not the boy!" Voldemort yelled and Quirrell obeyed by immediately charging at Asha for the stone. "And use magic, idiot! Your a wizard."

"Give me the stone girl!" He demanded whilst moving closer. "Or I will cast a spell on you!" 

"I..." Asha looked over at Harry and then at Gordon who smiled as if she wasn't about to be killed. "Your the saviour or whatever, do something!"

"Give me the stone then! I promise I wont use it!" Gordon begged. "Otherwise I will have to kill him off again when he comes back!" 

Quirrell pointed his wand at Asha, forcing a decision. Asha breathed in and was about to chuck the stone when...


Asha crashed to the floor, writhing in pain, landing right next to where Harry lay. 
The stone went flying up from her hand and landed on her right eye before being knocked onto the ground.  

As soon as Quirrell saw the stone go flying he stopped using the forbidden curse and dived towards it. 

"Asha!" Harry yelled, pulling himself over using his hands to reach her but saw the stone on the floor right next to her bleeding head so grabbed the stone and immediately chucked it over towards Gordon, yelling, "You had better not have lied!"

The fatter potter boy grunted before abandoning his siblings on the other side of the fire to run out of the corridors - towards the main castle.  

Quirrell was in mid dive to get the stone at the same time Harry chucked the stone away.
This caused him to land on top of Harry, almost knocking him into the fire once again. 
Once again he recoiled backwards due to a burning when he made contact.

Asha opened her eyes, her body still shaking due to the curse, and noticed the burning from contact once again.
This time, however, she got an idea and tentatively took her shaking hand to gently touch Quirrell's face.
After a couple seconds of thought, it seemed Harry had the same idea as he also moved his hands to Quirrell's face.

Almost instantly, Quirrell's face began to burn and he tried moving away in absolute agony. 
He tried to get up and away from the twins but collapsed on to the floor away from them, his breathes becoming shallower. 

Asha slowly sat up, almost all of her muscles still in pain, and watched the immobile man lay on the floor. 
Guilt soon built up as she looked at Harry who was still laying down.
"D-Did we j-dust kill him?..." Asha asked nervously after realising the significance of what just happened. 

Harry continued looking down and nodded slowly,
"I think so... B-But it was either him or us!" Harry attempted to reason - as much to himself as to Asha - before he then tried sitting up but stopped as a rush of pain came in, "I think I've broken something in both legs, ughhh."

Asha nodded slowly before she sat back down on the cold stone floor, "H-how are we getting out of here?" 

Asha didn't get an answer from Harry as his eyes suddenly went wide as he looked at her face.
"Asha! Your eye!"

"What about it?" Asha murmured, only half listening as she stared into the body of Quirrell.  

"I-Its... Purple..."  Harry stared in awe before seeing something rising behind her, "A-Asha! Behind you!"

It was too late... The spirit of Voldemort with straight through Asha before doing the same for Harry - rendering them both unconscious. 

The ABUSED twin... - Asha Potter - Harry Potter OCWhere stories live. Discover now