We Start Getting Closer With A Plan

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      "Why are you here? I don't remember needing...you...down here," One of the guards asked. They were blocking the way into the basement by the bar doors, looking at me rather harshly while I held some cleaning supplies. I pasted a nice smile, "I was sent for cleaning. The Magus doesn't want to catch anything the next time he comes down here, so he wanted it cleaned at least a little bit for dust." He didn't care for how dirty this place was, but I had to give a convincing lie. The guards bought it, and let me through. As I walked in, I felt the being's eyes on me. I tried not to make it too obvious that I wanted to speak with him, but I did keeping glancing back at him as I swept and wipe down the walls. After a few minutes, I gave in and walked close to his containment.

      "Hello there," I greeted quietly. As they looked towards me, the other guard scoffed, "Sure, go ahead and try to speak with it. See where that gets you." They were right, where would talking to him get me? I could gain his trust and free him, but also kill myself in the process. This being is nothing I would've seen in my life, and his actions are unpredictable. What if I let him out and he hurts me? If Roderick doesn't kill me...will this being do it? While thinking to myself, a watch started going off. The guards were changing out for the block. Both of them started to get their things and head for the exit. "Lock the door. I can finally properly talk with them," I thought to myself. Without thinking, I rushed over to make sure they were fully out of the basement and locked the door. Slowly turning back to them, I walked close to the glass dome. "You do fully understand me, right? Please, give me a sign, at least," I whispered. He looked  into my eyes, and leaned forward to me. He knew what I was saying for sure! I thought on what to say, finally looking back at him, "All I want to do is speak with you. Not about gifts or anything in that matter. If we can start to trust each other, maybe...maybe I can find a way to free you." Our eyes stayed locked together, neither moving an inch. Shaking my head slightly, I took another step forward, "You don't deserve to be stuck here like this. No being does, it is against the way of...life. I want to set you free...but I'm afraid of what will happen. Will you punish me for working with Roderick, or will he beat you to it and...finish me off." I felt the tears welling up for me, but I can't cry now. Nothing will come of it. 

      "No...I must not be selfish. I have to save you, it's the least I could do." He finally moved, getting onto his knees and putting a hand on the glass. My hand relaxed on the same spot, locking eyes once more. I chuckled, "I just remembered that I don't know your name, if you have one instead of a title. I eavesdropped on a conversation, and heard one name...Morpheus. Do you mind if I call you that?" His eyes got glossy, like he was about to cry, and...and shook his head. He actually responded. That made me smile, nodding fast, "Alright, Morpheus it is! Now, let god give me the swiftness to do a quick escape." Stepping back, I heard the two replacement guards bang on the door. "Why the hell are these bloody doors locked!?" One of them yelled. I quickly unlocked it for them, and slipped by to return upstairs. As I returned to my dish washing, I didn't bother wiping my now big grin off my face. We talked, we actually talked...in a way! Morpheus trusts me enough to at least give me some answers. Maybe he remembers my dreams, and sees no ill will in me. No matter what, I have to save him from this isolation. This place is starting to feel just like hell.

      It was my break, and as I was about to walk back up to my room I felt a hand grab onto my arm tightly. My head whipped around to see that it was Roderick starting to drag me into his office, "Magus?" He didn't say anything, throwing me in and closing the door. His parlance was clear to recognize; anger and malicious intent. He growled, "You went down there, tricked the guards into letting you stay down there. Didn't you?" I couldn't move if I wanted to, and my mouth wouldn't open to speak. Shakes washed over me greatly, as he kept glaring at me. Slamming his cane down, he shouted, "Answer me!!" "Yes, I went down there! I did...without your permission." Roderick shook his head at that, "You're trying to let him out. You're trying to kill us all!" "He wouldn't-" Right there, he slapped me. He kept speaking, "I knew you were stupid, but down right brain dead? He spoke to you, didn't he? Tell me the truth, you absolute mistake!!" This time, he hit me with his cane and knocked me straight to the floor. "No, he d-didn't say a word!" I cried. He kept hitting me anyway, making my curl up into a ball as the hits kept coming. After about 5 minutes, he drug me to my feet and threw me out of the office. Everything hurt, and I couldn't silent my cries. With little strength I had left, I limped up to my room and went straight to crying on my bedroom floor. I bawled my eyes out, "Please....please lord! Lead me out of this place! I beg of you, please!" I was left there on the floor for the rest of the day, locked in my room and not hearing from anyone. Not even Alex.

      This continued for 10 more years, but my tries to see Morpheus wasn't as successful as the first time. It was always another guard or Roderick himself catching me in the act. I ended up stop trying when I got my 3rd black eye and almost broke my leg. Along with thinking of only Morpheus, there was a small question in the back of my head. In the past 10 years, why haven't I aged that much compared to the others? It wasn't Morpheus' tools affecting me, since they didn't care enough to use those properties on me. What's happening to me? Stepping away from that topic quickly, it was now 1926 and Roderick was throwing a party where anybody was welcome to come. The mansion packed up quickly, and I was worked to the bone trying to serve everyone. First, I was walking around with a tray of drinks, then putting up coats, serving food, then back to drinks! I was all over the place, mind you! I had enough of it with the last group who I gave their drinks they wanted made. As I was reaching over to hand one of them their drink, another one put their hand up my uniform. They all laughed at my reaction, and I was quick to walk away from that. All I wanted was to be in peace and quiet, cooking a few pastries or watching rain fall down the window. My legs carried me to the stairs leading to my room, but stopped once I finally arrived to them. Why am I stopping?

      Morpheus. I haven't seen him in so long, I should visit him. This is my best chance to actually get down there as well with everyone so distracted. I doubt there would be any guards down there as well, they've all gotten rather cocky with that dome holding him. Scurrying down and quietly closing the door behind me, I made my way down. I began to think of how terrified I was of this place whenever I walked past it, but now...it feels warmer. Opening the door and turning on the lights, he looked up to see me. I was right about him not being guarded, and I'm glad I've learned how some things work around here. I gave him a shy smile, "I'm sorry I haven't been down here for quite a while, Morpheus. I tried my hardest, but they kept catching me. Beginner's luck then." He stayed in his position, but his eyes went down to the bandage on my arm. "Oh," I held it out for him. "It really was beginner's luck. Roderick ended up throwing a vase at me one of the times, but I blocked with my arms." I could tell he was running on autopilot as he leaned more on the glass, looking down in sadness at my injury. "Morpheus," I crouched down to get a good look at those eyes I still can't help but get lost in. Giving a big smile, "This has been happening for....a long time now, and I'm sure you got that idea by now. I'm fine, really. We need to worry about you for now." 

      Settling more in a cross legged right in front of him. "I mean, ever since you've been here...something called the Sleepy Sickness has been growing. I think I'm effected, I've been getting less sleep then usual...so no sleep at all," I state. The stale silence between us twisted into a more comfortable blanket, more for me I imagine then him. Out of no where, I asked, "Do you know if God exist?" Looking over at him, his expression was more confusion. "Right," I chuckled. "You're refusing to speak. It's fine, I shouldn't have asked that in the first place. It's just..." My mind wouldn't let the words out of my mouth, and perhaps that's a good thing for the both of us. I shook my head, "Nevermind that, I have to get you out of there, it's just..." I thought to myself while looking at Morpheus, quickly getting up to start pacing around. I started to rant, mostly to myself, "We have to come up with a plan to actually get you out of there, but also get me in a safe place where he won't try and kill me. I'm not going to make you promise anything on that, so we have to work it in the plan where it can be a quick escape. I don't...I don't want to be hurt by that man anymore. You know?" Looking to him, I felt guilt washing over me in an instant and so powerful. Before he could react, I sighed and combed my hands through my hair, "I sound so selfish, I shouldn't be talking like this. All I need is some way to-" 

      A monotonous tapping sound went to me ear. It was coming from Morpheus. He started tapping on the glass, breaking me from my unending rambling. "The glass....the glass!" I exclaimed. Quickly walking over and knocking on the glass a bit more, I smiled big at him. "What if I break the glass and that can cause a distraction? And in the chaos, I can make a break for it!? You're a genius, Morpheus!" I praised him. Once more, catching each other eyes, he opened his mouth like he was about to speak. Wait...he's finally going to speak?! Before he could, a loud rattling emitted from he exit. 

      It was one of the guys who were suppose to be staff, and he looked very drunk. "Where...w-where are the....hic...keys?" He slurred. Turning back to Morpheus, I whispered, "Save your first words for me later. I promised I'll come back eventually." Before any more time could pass, I hurried over to help the guard out and lead him back upstairs. Before leaving though, I gave Morpheus a thumbs up and a classic grin. He smiled back at me this time, it really did suit him.

☽ Witches Can Dream ✯ {Dream Of The Endless | Morpheus x OC} ☾Where stories live. Discover now