2.25 - the bite

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| S04 E13 |

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| S04 E13 |

Rebekah with Leia's support helped Stefan and together they found what they wanted while Elena plotted to kill Rebekah's brother and succeeded.

The night before Rebekah left for the island, Leia consoled her as Rebekah cried in her arms for her brother's death.

Per Rebekah's request, Leia agreed to stay in Mystic falls and not go to the island, Rebekah didn't want to put Leia in danger, she wanted to go to the island knowing that Leia would be safely at their house.

Bonnie had trapped Klaus into their living rooms where he could see his brothers corpse. Klaus was standing in the living room, looking at Kol's burnt corpse.

Leia went to him and gave him company, so he had someone to take his attention away from the corpse. Leia could see how Klaus looked upset. No matter how she didn't like the man, she felt sorry for him. She couldn't imagine losing her brother. Suddenly, Tyler walked in the front door, proudly.

"Morning, sunshine. You look pathetic." Tyler gloated as he ignored glare that Leia sent him.

"Only until Bonnie's spell locking me in here wears off. Then I'll look different. Angrier, perhaps. Or I won't look like anything because I'll have gouged your eyeballs from their sockets." Klaus only responded.

"My friends will be back with the cure by then. So, I could shove it down your throat and make you mortal." Tyler told him his plans for him.

Leia rolled her eyes.

"I'm an Original. What makes you think my entire vampire bloodline won't be cured along with me? I.e., you." Klaus wondered.

"You know what I think?" Tyler asked even if he didn't care for his answer. "I think that's impossible. I think the moment you stop being a vampire, our whole blood connection to you is broken, and your sire-line ceases to exist. So, whatever happens to you, happens only to you, which means I can kill your ass and no one else has to die. Although I am still debating just how to do it."

Klaus vamped towards Tyler, but can't get him due to the barrier. Klaus smirked. "I recommend drowning. There's nothing quite like the feeling of someone fighting for something as basic as human breath. And let me tell you, your mother was a fighter."

Forgot to mention. Klaus killed his mother just because Tyler gave hybrids the freedom that Klaus stole for them.

Tyler glared at Klaus, who looked pleased with his taunting. Tyler hugged and left the room.

"Don't give in, he just wants your reaction." Leia looked at Klaus. "Even if everything he said is valid because you did kill his mother, for that alone he should have a right to kill you."

"I think I ended the argument pretty good." Klaus responded, smirking slightly, but faltered when Leia didn't look impressed.

"You killed his mother. What did your expect?"

"He unsired my hybrids, he started it first."

Leia chuckled humourlessly. "You are acting like a child. You are supposed be the adult as you are thousand years old. He only wanted to help them."

Klaus glared at her. "I already had. They would be alive if it wasn't for Tyler. They did not have to turn at the full moon anymore."

"But in return they had to do anything you asked of them. They already lost one of them because of the cure business meaning your business."

She said before leaving the room. She certainly hoped that one day he would get a real reality check that he couldn't hurt everyone without consequences, but maybe Kol dying would change something.

Caroline entered through the back door. She saw Leia and Tyler. Caroline was surprised to see Tyler. "You're still here? What are you doing?"

"Gloating." Tyler responded.

Tyler poured himself a drink. Klaus emerged from the living room and walked as far as he can within the confines of the spell.

"Hello, Caroline."

Caroline responded with a glare at him for a moment before looking back at Tyler. Caroline looked at Tyler. "Come home. Don't stoop to his level."

Tyler glanced at Klaus before looking at Caroline. "He destroyed my life. I plan on being present for every second of his misery until I can kill him myself."

"Fine." Caroline gave up. "You can gloat and multitask. This place is a disaster. Starting with a horrific burnt corpse."

Leia looked at Caroline, who found a table cloth in a cabinet and she and Tyler used it to cover up Kol's body. Klaus watched them with a slightly tortured expression.

"Tyler's mother is dead. So is my brother. We're even." Klaus looked at Caroline. "Call Bonnie. Get her to let me out of here."

Caroline looked Klaus. "I will never, ever, help you."

"How quickly you forget the part where I saved Tyler from the misery of being a werewolf. Or the night your mother invited me into her home to save the life of her precious daughter." Klaus stated.

"How delusional are you?" Caroline asked as she unconsciously walked forward. "You killed his mother. And let's not forget that we're standing in a house where Leia's aunt Jenna used to live. Or did you think that your charm would make us forget how you killed her, too? You know what? No. I am not going to engage in this. You are not even worth the calories I burn talking to you."

Suddenly Klaus vamp-sped to pick up a nearby floor lamp, which he used to impale Caroline.

"No!" Tyler yelled out as Leia gasped in horror.

Klaus swinged Caroline over to his side of the magical barrier and bit her neck. She fell to the floor.

"Now, that was definitely worth the calories" Klaus stated as he avoided Leia's horrified expression and looked just at Tyler who still was in shock.

Leia walked into Elena's room where Caroline laid and Tyler was with her.

"Lay her down in front of Klaus." Leia announced.

"Why?" Tyler asked confused.

Leia looked away from Caroline's pale face. "Because even if you don't like it. He likes her, somewhat at least. He couldn't watch her die."

Tyler looked hesitant, but still nodded and agreed.

Tyler carried Caroline into the living room and laid her down on the floor. Klaus turned around and saw Leia, Tyler and Caroline.

"You want to be in control, Klaus? Here. Now you get to be in control of her life. If you want her to die, fine. But then you can sit here and watch her die yourself." Tyler told him and left the house.

"You did this. Deal with it." Leia glared at him and left too. She hoped that he liked her enough to heal him and not let her die.

— Sorry, for the long wait.

I decided that after Jeremy's death, Rebekah and Leia will leave and then we will jump in the originals:)

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