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The next day on a birthday party here at the Arcadeplex, we were getting ready to go see a birthday child. I was getting the cake and head to the party room next to the Komodo munch. And turns out, I've never seen Jack lately. He never just disappeared like that, at all.

As I got to the party room I saw a same little girl that I found few days ago. I didn't knew it was her birthday that day so I gave her cake to her and lit the birthday candles as we start singing her happy birthday to her.

She then blew out her candles after we sang her happy birthday. Her parents started cutting her cake in squares and gave her and her friends a piece.

Once they're all done. They went around to have fun and the little girl invited me to join her for a bit. I don't see why not and joined her for a bit. We all played som arcade games, and did some Parkourmaze, there are times she gets lost accidentally so I found her and continue on parkour through the maze.

Hours has pass and man that little girl has a lot of energy. She worn out and tired. Her parents were looking for her so I gave her a blanket of me on it and wrapped her up. I soon picked her up and went to find her parents and return her to them. They thanked me as they grabbed her and left.

Soon everyone was enjoying the fun, Jack came out of nowhere. I looked at him as I heard him growling, like a sinister cat.

Åse: "Jack? Where were you? What's with the growl? It's worrying me." Jack was walking towards me. Annie, Dawg and King came to check and saw us. They stopped as I had to call in the Parts and Service and security. Dawg took his shades off, and slowly walked towards him.

Dawg: "Jack, what's going on, you're not yourself?" Suddenly, a kid was wondering around and Jack made a full 360 head rotation and saw him. He screamed very sinister at the child and ran after the boy. The child got his attention and ran from him. We 4 chased after him and I was getting worried.

Åse: "JACK, NO!" I yelled. The boy accidentally fell to the ground and broke his arm. Jack caught up to him and started to scratch him on the arm and leg.

The poor little boy was screaming in pain and fear. We ran as fast as we could when we saw everyone running out of the party rooms in fear. Kids were crying as they're running. We got in in time before he would make his last scratch. Dawg, Annie and King grabbed Jack and pulled him away. I ran and grabbed the injured boy and walked back away from Jack. Soon the Security came and she was scared.

Security guard: "You 3, take Jack to the Parts and Service. Now! Åse, stay with the kid until the ambulance comes, I already called them." She demanded us. Jack was struggling to get them off but they won't going to let him go that easy as they went to Parts and Service.

The security guard had to let the manager know what happened and she told everyone that the Arcadeplex is closing down early and they were not happy it's closing. After this attack that Jack did was not the Jack I once knew, and now the blood on the ground and his hands. I can't do much about it. We have a medical room right next to the Park of Rides so all I can do for now is to bring the injured child there when the ambulance arrived.

Soon the ambulance arrived and did some check him out. It took them a second or so to get him prepared on the stretcher and get him in the ambulance as quickly as possible and rushed there way to the hospital.

As I watched them leave I cannot erase this trauma that happened today. I then went to the Parts and Service, I saw them shutting Jack down. The Security Guard came in and looks scared when she looked at Jack, and then she looked at us.

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