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I exit out the Winter bridge battle, going to a different location of this plex. I heard a centaur animatronic walking behind me as I looked behind, she grabbed me by the neck and slammed me to the wall.

Centaur: "Are you the one who costing trouble by harming innocents, Jack!?" I looked at her and I knew how scared she is, she's even more afraid of Jack.

Åse: "No, I'm not Jack. Just trying to save my friends, love." I said as I was messaging Annie to switch cameras because I know the centaur does not like cameras. She looked at me and didn't believe me.

Centaur: "How would I be sure of that?" She asked and grabbed my pole and showed it to me. I saw blood on the pole I found back outside and I didn't know it was covered with blood.

Åse: "Listen, love. I was attacked by Jack, I have proof on me that would answer your questions." I said and showed her the witness of Jack's actions he committed on me. She looked at my leg I showed her and she lets go of me and feels so guilty about it.

Centaur: "I'm sorry, I got so scared even this Jack thing scares me." She said as I hold her hands and calm her down.

Åse: "Don't let Jack get into your head, he wants you to be in fear. Can you help me with something?" I said and explained the details. The centaur animatronic agreed to help, and would watch the entrance to her Fairy Tale Island and the main stage and will let me know if there anything or anyone near her and we went part ways.

I went to look for King starting off looking in his room, I checked his storage room and he's not in there.

Åse: "Of course, he's not in here, why did I think he's gonna to be in here?" I muttered to myself but it made me think I could probably make a trap for King so he won't know what's coming. I grabbed everything I can and went to get the bait and head to the hall and prepare the trap and climb up and hide on the ceiling with a blanket.

I heard King coming to hallway I'm at, he smelled the food that I lay for him. He came close to the bait and smell it like a animal before he starts eating.

King: "Mmmm, pulled pork." He said and continued eating as I slowly climbed down and quietly walked behind him and right when he was eating. He immediately farted right in front of me, which he was programmed to do that for fun or a joke on stage so kids would laugh about it. It smelled horrible this time and I gasped quietly and fan myself a little.

I shook my head a little and stayed on topic, I jumped on him as I put a blanket on him and tried to keep him down as long as I can. He got up and swinging me around and ran everywhere in the building, I held on to him until he slipped on a puddle and I fell off from the fourth floor to the third floor, I was lucky I didn't get broke but Kin fell to the second floor, and took damage.

King soon got up and started running as I got up and watched him running away, I started to follow him as I went to the second floor and continued to chase him. It's now a game for him called Hard to Get. I got close to him and tried to catch him, but he used his tail and almost whacked me. I stopped at the right time and continued chasing.

Åse: "King, I know you're in there bud, hang on for as long as you can." I said and I went to the other way to cut King off and taggle him down. We both got up and King ram me down as I grabbed my double sided battle stick and whacked him with one side of my battle stick. He fell to the ground and apparently I broke part of his mask.

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