Inside Where It Is Safe

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Three kids laughed and joked on the carpet in the center of the living room as they were illuminated by Christmas tree's bright and joyful lights, Willow's heart was warmed by their own joyfulness and walked to them for an embrace. He laughed as he recognized their own voices and attitudes as Mylo avoided greeting him, instead saying, "Papa, you missed it all! Where I won against Lily in a fight with Fred and Cindy!" Yet he hugged Willow tightly while holding a purple bear, the size of Willow's palm which Mylo called Fred, and Willow replied as he laughed, "I am sorry, congratulations though!" He said in a soft tone of voice. Lily greeted Willow and threw a blonde plush doll that herself called Cindy onto Mylo as she heard Mylo speak to Willow about her defeat against him. Willow picked up Cindy and gave her back to Lily saying, "Lily, do not throw Cindy like that to Mylo! You must accept defeat...It is okay still; I am proud of you both" he said as gentle as possible in case to not hurt their feelings and gave them both a warm, tight embrace.

"Hmph, fine. I am sorry, Mylo" she said quietly in embarrassment and Mylo laughed then accepted her apology. As for Willow, he let go of them chasing each other for fun, and trusted them to be careful within each other, and looked at a small boy, like Willow, dark skin, blue eyes, and white strands of hair. He played with his own car toys and Willow picked up one to join, greeting him, "Hello little Mildred! Are you having fun here?" He gently patted the little boy, Mildred, and gave him a gentle embrace. Mildred giggled and said, "Hungry" as an offer for food. And Willow stood up to walk to the kitchen and feed him, happily as a father he watched as the kids laughed and ran around safely, knowing that he will be able to watch them grow made him feel happy. Hoping that they would end up better than he did, be someone that he himself could not be.

So many memories he gathered yet he could only remember their soft smile that he hoped to never see fade away even though he knew once it was going to leave them too somewhere far from him. Though he thought to himself, "I will never want to see their smiles fade away no matter how far they are from me. If they are genuinely in hope and happiness and if I know that for any grim time they are in, I want to always know that I will be there, and that there will be sunshine." He kept those words to himself every day of his life, and for the years that he saw their smile, he praised them and appreciated them with his whole heart. The heart of a monster could have never been so happy before rather than to know that kids of his own will be able to live in a way he could not in his own and in the position they are. 

He picked up Lily and Mylo, after a long day of energy and joy they fell asleep and carried them to a comfortable bed with each other to hope they would have sweet dreams. He then exited the room with a last kiss on their forehead and wondered where Mildred could be, remembering he wandered off with a strange, albino woman. He quietly walked around the house multiple times, and in a loop, he was lost until he found a door to the backyard below the stairs. Yet, the door was covered in bright red lens, as if the glass were completely red, therefore he thought to himself that someone painted the glass red. He raised an eyebrow and opened the door to the backyard. He was suddenly hit with a freezing breeze, and the sound of a glass breaking louder than ever, and the loud, shaky breathing of a scared child got stuck in his head, then suddenly he realized what his eyes were seeing, unblinding him with an apology from a kid, he saw an albino woman, wearing a long white dress being covered in blood, and paler than a human could. 

He then turned to the person by the woman to see Mildred a lot taller than he could remember him, and his mouth filled with blood, his eyes filled with tears yet facing Willow to look at him in fear and apologize multiple times. Willow stared into Mildred's eye and heard a glass breaking once again that he heard a single word come out of his mouth, and quickly slam the door closed. He thought further into what he laid his eyes on, it made him disgusted and so disturbed, it made him sick to think about it. How his own son had just murdered his mother, his apologies flew into Willow's head with no escape and his heart was pumping with such grief.

He looked down at the floor that was soon reflecting into his wife, his only loved one. He could no longer hear his own breathing, nor himself, there was only one thing that was repeating in his mind from now on, and within a crack of a glass of an alcohol bottle, his blood boiled within it.
"You are a monster"

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