Chapter One: Beginning

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They were fighting again, their voice raised to shrieks. From mother's high-pitched one, and to father's deeper voice. Moments later the apartment door slammed closed, ratting pictures in the hallway.

Colorless hugged his plush to his chest as he wiped away his tears, sniffling as he heard something break. He wrapped his wings around himself as he curled up. Despite knowing that the door separating the rooms would keep him safe, he felt no reassurance. There was no sense of warmth that he knew other kids felt when they were with their parents. Just a small sense of numbness and fear.

He flinched when the sound of things breaking got closer. With a silent sob, he got up and crawled into the back of his closet, a few boxes wedged in a way his mother would not be able to see him especially if he was quiet. He spent the night there.

"Shell," Colorless asked, leaning on the taller. "can you tell me the story again? Of the fluffy bunny and his happy family" The other smiled and wrapped his arm around the smaller one comfortingly. "Sure, little one." he closed his eyes and leaned onto the tree, getting comfortable. "once there was a fluffy bunny. Fluffy bunny loved his family. Fluffy bunny...." the voice trailed off and Colorless continued to listen, slowly relaxing.

"-Damn it Fai! you're wasting my money! spending it on useless things. I work and work, and then you use it on stupid things!" Colorless woke with a start, fragments of his dreams in his mind. "You're never here! You walked out to always work Shade!" Mother screamed. There was the sound of a slap.

Colorless bit back a startled cry and tried to hide further in the closet. The heat picked up and the argument outside only worsened.

"I can't stand you! Why can't you just listen when I tell you something?! Why do you keep fighting back!"

"Because you keep getting angry about stupid things! Yes, I use money, but it's our money! You're not the only one who works, Shade! I work too! I work day and night, I use the money to pay the rent, the bills, to pay for the groceries!"

"You stupid bitch, your as cold and empty as the artic!"

"Don't think I haven't heard you sniffing around that harlot Luster you bastard!"

Colorless whimpered when something else broke, and the screaming match continued. "Please....stop" he cried, trying desperately to block out the loud noise. His prayers were not answered he was left, alone in the dark.

The moment the Grandfather clock struck one, which meant mother and Father would both be leaving for work. He felt relief, that meant his caregiver Mr. Error would be arriving any time now. There was the sound of keys, as the taller monster let himself in for the days.

Colorless crawled out from the closet and peeked out the door, looking at the glitching skeleton. "M-Mr. Error" he greeted quietly, "welcome back..."

"Hey there kiddo, they're gone," The tall skeleton said, swooping down and picking up his ward "Did you eat lunch?"

"Lunch?" Colorless asked hesitantly and looked up at the clock. "O-oh...I slept for too long."

"How about some chicken soup, you have an appointment with Reaper today," Error offered.

Colorless nodded, "y-yeah. Chicken soup sounds nice. I didn't know that I was meant to see Mr. Reaper today."

"I set it up last week, you were doing pretty badly," Error said, and sighed finding almost no food in the kitchen. "Hey kid, want to have a treat for lunch, Sans should still have his hotdog stand out?"

The child perked up. "Can we? I haven't seen Mr. Sans in a while now."

"Sure kid," Error said putting Colorless down "Let's get your jacket, and after we can talk to Mr. Papyrus. He mentioned he had more stories from his job as a cop for you." Colorless grinned and quickly ran away to go grab his jacket. He always loved stories, and Mr. Papyrus' stories were always great.

'Shell's stories will always be better though' he thought, struggling to slip his wings through the slits of the jacket.

"Do you want to be carried outside, or walk?" Error asked, as part of the journey was through an elevator. "I'll walk" Colorless answered. His body wouldn't betray him and give up halfway there, right? "Alright, let's get going Colorless," Error said grabbing his own jacket, within minutes they were heading down the hallway.

"Oh, hello Colorless," a cheerful voice said, and a skeleton monster poked their head out of another apartment. "Brother, Colorless is about."

"For goodness sake Dream, stop being so loud," came the annoyed voice of the less social of the twin neighbors.

"But he's so adorable Nighty."

"Stop calling me Nighty!"

Colorless blushed from the compliment, his wings puffing up. "G-Good afternoon Mr. Dream and Mr. Nightmare!"

"Stars darn it Dream... you popped out at the wrong time, I'm about to drop this!" came Nightmare's panicked cry. "Good to see you Color, bye," Dream said rushing back inside but was too late as something fell to the floor with a large thump.


"Sorry," came Dreams apologies. "Shall we head on," Error grinned. The winged child giggled before nodding happily, "Mr. Dream and Mr. Nightmare are funny."

"They're hilarious," Error chuckled, at that moment the elevator dinged and opened.

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