Chapter four: One Day

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"Don't go in the water Colorless."

"Okay," the child said, walking away from an ocean of shimmering hold.

"Promise me never to go there, that's not for you," Shell said a rare serious look on his face. "Okay, I promise, what is it?" Colorless asked as the taller skeleton picked him up.

Shell cast a glance at the waves that sprayed the sand. "A Sea of souls..."

"Were losing him!"

"Injection soul jumpstart!"

"On one!"

They had walked away from the pretty ocean, or sea. Colorless leaned happily against Shell's chest, enjoying the feeling of the other's soul. The only sounds were the waves, Shell's feet walking in the sand and the rustle of the wings in the breeze.

"Where are we going?" Colorless asked curiously.

"A Tree of feelings."

"How can a tree have feelings?" Colorless asked, confused. "Why don't we ask its guardians then,"' Shell suggested with a smile.

Dr. Reaper sat exhausted in a chair. Poor Colorless had suffered a soul attack, their body almost giving up on them. He swore the kid had been a step away from dusting. "Don't worry kid, you're going to have a happy ending."

Colorless giggled, running around with the two familiar fiery figures. Their yellow and purple colors were warm and filled him with a sense of safety. Shell watched from a sideline, a fond smile resting on his face. However, eventually, he walked in, interrupting the three. "You need to go now, Colorless," He told the child softly. "Already?" Colorless frowned, "can't I stay?"

Shell faltered and pulled Colorless into a hug. "Only if you're sure you want to stay. But there's no turning back if you decide that. So, I want you to think carefully."

The child thought for a moment, before looking back up at Shell, embers of determination and hope in his eyes. "I guess I'll wait a bit longer. I can't leave Mr. Error and Mr. Blue like that."

Shell smiled.

"Is he awake yet, Reaper?" Error asked, worry practically dripping off his words, "he'll be okay, right?" Reaper nodded. "he'll be okay. Colorless is just taking his time with waking up, don't worry."

"I can always come back home, right?" Colorless asked.

"Always." Shell nodded.

A small whimper left a sleeping body, and slowly Colorless mismatched eyes opened.

"Colorless, don't you scare me like that again!" Error said seeing him awake. "Mmm... sorry Mr. Error," Colorless said tiredly, realizing he was wearing some type of mask to help him breathe in medicine of some type.

"Your lucky there kid, I'll leave you with Error. I'll be back in a few minutes," Dr. Reaper said getting up, he gently patted Colorless shoulder and slipped out of the room. Error held Colorless' hand. "I was so worried, how are you feeling?"

"Tired" Colorless answered. He reached up to take the mask off, but Error stopped him. "Don't, you need that" Error told him. Colorless nodded and looked around the room. "Is...Is that Uncle Blue?"

Error smiled. "yeah. He was awake all night, worried. He fell asleep an hour ago."

The blue-clad skeleton had taken over two seats in his sleep, his ever-present bandana/scarf had most unraveled by this point. "By the way, how would you like to stay with Uncle Blue for a while after you out of the hospital?" Error asked gently, then to Colorless happiness, he pulled out his plush and laid it in his arms.

"Stay...with Uncle Blue?" Colorless echoed, hugging his plush closer. He wanted to stay with his mother. "I-If he's okay with it, then okay."

"He's the one that offered," Error told him. "...Okay then," Colorless nodded, "I'll stay with Uncle Blue. When...When can we leave?"

"Once you no longer need the mask."

Colorless' face scrunched up in displeasure. "How long do I need the mask for?"

"As soon as you are healthy enough to no longer needs it, sorry kid," Error apologized. White wings drooped sadly and Colorless sighed, "It's alright."

"But while we wait, why don't we start choosing things for your new room," Error said with a grin, pulling out a catalog. The child beamed. Maybe the hospital stay wouldn't be so bad after all.

"You seem happier," Shell hummed, they were in a playground playing on swings."I'll be staying with Uncle Blue now" Colorless chirped, "Uncle Error and I just were deciding what my room will look like!"

"That's wonderful little bird," Shell said happily "Soon you'll be able to fly."

Colorless frowned. "I can't fly." He looked at his wings, "mother says my wings are too small for that."

"There are more ways to fly than flying Colorless, there is freedom."

The child tilted his head, not understanding. "Freedom? Wasn't I already free?"

"You'll understand one day," Shell said with a soft smile.

"One day?"

"One day."

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