Chapter six: Again

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He had to know... It tugged at his thoughts, his dreams. It was unrelenting. Colorless needed to know what had happened to his parents.

That night, while all were asleep, he snuck out of his room. He kept his wings close to him in order to not let them bump into things and then started to look. Look for anything that could answer his questions.

"Colorless?" Blue said tiredly, turning on a light revealing the child as some noise had woken him up.

Colorless was holding the newspaper, his hands shook as he read a small section of the writing. Over, and over, and over again.

"You said they were under investigation." Colorless whispered, looking up at Blue.

"They were... they were arrested because they tried to run and hurt a cop badly, till that point they were just investigated and there was a chance for you going home with them," Blue said soulfully, eye lights glimmering with tears.

"This is from two days ago," Colorless said. "When...when were you planning to tell me about this?"

"After your next Doctors appointment, the lawyers and Doctors didn't want you to be told till you were a bit more stable," Blue said gently taking the paper from him "Errors been up there every day waiting for what the court says since he knows you'll want to know." The monster sighed, looking extremely stressed. "We already know your mother is going to go to a mental health retreat at the start, she apparently hasn't been well for a long time."

The paper in Colorless' hand crinkled and he quickly stood up, wings flaring out slightly. Then he ran past Blue and into his room, where he shut the door and hid under the bed covers. Tears welled up in his eye sockets. Blue knew how much he cared, yet he still didn't tell Colorless about anything. Error knew, and probably so did Dream and Nightmare. Yet none of them thought he should know.

"Colorless, please talk to me," Bue spoke from outside the room, knocking lightly. However, he didn't open the door or enter as they had told Colorless his room was his own private place.

There was no answer. Only silence greeted him, saying nothing yet the guilt still laughed accusingly at him.

"Get some rest Colorless, we can talk in the morning," Blue said as it was late at night, and after many minutes of silence, he finally left.


Shell held the trembling crying child to himself, rubbing his back between his wings and soothing him. "It is getting better little bird, they never lied... and don't forget, one wrong word would have killed you in the hospital. They were waiting to hear you were well enough to tell you."

"That doesn't mean that it was okay to keep it from me!" Colorless sniffed, pressing his head against Shell's chest. "I've been okay for almost a week, they probably knew before the newspaper even came out, but they didn't tell me!"

"Sweetie, he was being truthful, you know that. And he mentioned lawyers, you know how lawyers are... your parents mentioned how they were... and CPS was probably involved too. If he told you without them saying you were healthy enough, they would have probably taken you to a foster family," Shell said softly.

Colorless burst into tears again, his wings moving to try and hide even more. "I-I know, it's's just not fair."

"Sweetie, if everything was fair your parents would have been good parents... but we can't have everything we want. Uncle Blue and Mr. Error, the others, they truly care and want you happy."

"Mother wanted me to be happy too..." Colorless mumbled bitterly. "She just never knew how to show it."

"Then you make the best out of life my little bird. so that once your mother is well and free in the future, you can show her," Shell told him.

The future. Who knows how long she would be gone for?

"It hurts." Colorless whispered softly, "it hurts that they hid something like this from me even though I know they did it to protect me."

"Sometimes the truth hurts little bird, it's why white lies exist to protect people,"

The small child curled up within the safe and warm arms of his protector. There were no more words for him to say, for he didn't know what else to say. The only thing left was his aching soul, and a feeling of betrayal fresh in his sleepy mind.

"Colorless.. please wake up please!"

Colorless opened his eyes sluggishly and immediately tried to close them again. It felt so hot, almost burning, and the world was both too bright as well as hazy.

"Kid, you worried us," came the voice of Dr. Reaper, they were at the hospital again.

Colorless blinked slowly, struggling to comprehend Dr. Reaper's words. Everything felt so fuzzy. "A-again?" He mumbled.

"Kid.. your soul stopped... your going to be here for quite a while," Dr. Reaper said, his blurry form coming into view "You're in the ICU."

Colorless giggled, "hehe, I see you too... my soul what?"

"You had a soul attack kid and it briefly stopped, your Guardian Mr. Blue heard you thrashing and called 911... we almost lost you," he said softly.

"Soul attack?" Colorless stared at him blankly. "I...I had a soul attack."

Colorless had almost died.

"I'm afraid you won't get many visitors till you get out of ICU, once you're stable enough that another one won't trigger, we'll transfer you to a more normal one where more than Blue can visit okay kid?" Dr. Reaper said, Reaper over and gently adjusting a mask over the lower part of Colorless' face.

"W-Where's Uncle Blue?" Colorless asked with a trembling voice. He was stuck here. Without Error, without Dream and Nightmare, and possibly without Blue.

"He's not here at the moment, it's one in the morning kid, long past visiting hours," Dr. Reaper said sitting on the rather sterile-looking chair in the room "Any idea why he thinks you hate him and he shouldn't be here?"

"Hate him?" The memories of the previous night flashed inside his mind. Yes, he may have been hurt, but he could never hate Blue. "I don't hate Uncle Blue!" He protested, "I-I would never!"

"Alright, I'll call him when the sun gets up and arrange a visit to the ICU, okay? He won't be able to stay long, but that's normal for this ward," he told him.

Colorless nodded, wings shifting nervously as he watched Reaper leave the room. Leaving him alone.

Alone again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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