The News

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"Psht! Saph!" someone calls me.

I look up from my computer. That voice sounded like Tony. I go to the place where I heard the sound. I walk to my window.

"Tony? Is that you?" I asked."Saph? Yeah it's me!" A reply. So I was right. I know his voice so well."What's up?" I ask. "If you just let me in, i can tell" he said. oh right , duh . "Here ya go" I open my window so Tony could come in. He begins."So, you know my friend Felix?" I nod. "Well, he heard from some guy that heard it from some other guy that heard from someone that Micro-Ice had an accidentally meet with Aarch. You know who Aarch and Micro-Ice are, right?" He asked. "Isn't Micro-Ice the son of the waitress at Planet Akillian? The football tv get together? Where the Holo Televisions are?" I just pretend I don't know Micro-Ice THAT well. Tony nods. Micro-Ice.. I miss you and D'Jok..

Micro-Ice is now so cute eh. When we were at primary school together, we were good friends along with D'Jok, they were always dorking around, but Micro-Ice was not really hot or cute... But then when we got at first year high school, after the summervacation, he was changed. Not a bit, no. He was gone from dorky to CUTE and HOT. yes cute , really cute. And D'Jok? He was just his hot self again. And we were just 12.. Sigh

"Hey Saph!" A boy walks to me, with behind him another boy. I can see that's D'Jok.. but who's the first? Is- is that? "Micro-Ice?!" I ask dismayed. "Yeah! why you ask that so weird? I am still me." He.. He looks so hot! and SO cute. Wow.. what did Mana do to him?! They come stand next to me. "Micro-Ice.. Wow.. you've changed!" He looks weird at me. D'Jok laughs. "I'm still me, like I said before" He says. Haha.. He doesn't understand me, cute. "No, I mean you look so.. so.. Handsome." I say. He looks at me. "Thanks? Uh, I mean.." He begins to blush "I mean, Thankyou Saph, that means a lot to hear from you" He blushes even harder. D'aww! "You're welcome. I love the new you already, haha" I say, and he smiles to me. "Yeah Micro-Ice, you should get used to this feeling" D'Jok says, "You can hear a lot of this more!" And the three of us walked to class. Smiling and not knowing our friendship is going to be history soon..

"But you have no idea who Aarch is?" Tony snapped me out of it. When I shoke my head, he moved on "He is one of the top players of the old Akillian team! The Akillians!" There was a little idea of him coming into my thoughts. "Ohh! but whatever just move on" I said.

Aarch was THE great football player of The Akillians. Along with his brother Norata were they unstopable. But then at the GFCup finals, at Akillian, a great Ice Age covered the stadium and whole Akillian. Norate stayed at Akillian, no one knows where his wife is. Aarch left, or fled, to football with the Shadows. Everybody said Aarch let his home planet down and betrayed it.

"So, like I said, he came back. And Micro-Ice popped in , in idunno.. purpose? but whatever, he thought that Aarch would all get mad and stuff, but actually that didn't happen. Aarch asked Micro-Ice to spread the word that Aarch had returned, with the message that he wants to set up a new team!" He says. I look at him. Hm. "Isn't this great! I mean for us both! I can go on with football, and you can start over again!"

"Tony, like I said, I. Am. Not. Starting. Over. With. Football. Don't you understand? I don't even know if I will be able to play again! Never played again since THAT day, remember.. ?" I think back at the day.. Me and our school team 'The Mini-Akillians' were facing the 'Smog Shadows' from a school at another planet . Shadow Archipelago.

"C'mon guys! Let's do this! I feel it! We can do this!" I shout. "D'Jok, Micro-Ice and Saph, up to the front with that ball! come on guys!" Victor , the coach, shout. Let's do this. Come on Saph make that goal. D'Jok got the ball, he passes to Micro-Ice "Micro-Ice!! Over here!" I yell to him. he passes the ball to me. I take it. No. 11 comes at me. I just gotta pass it trough.. And hop! around him, or her.. idunno. Then there's No. 3 , it comes right at me, I know I can do this! Jump! Aaaaaah!!

When I open my eyes, I see people in white around me.. "Who.. Who are you?" The person begins to smile. A big smile. "She's awake!! Call her parents!" He yells to a .. nurse?. awake? "Uh, sir.. What do you mean by awake?" I am confused.. "Sahpira.. you were out in coma for like a year!" Coma?!!? "What do you mean? I was at the football game? I was about to score.." He looks at me "Saph, If I may say that?" I nod "You were kicked by a opponent.. He kicked you at your ankel, and you fell on your back.. By that fall, you fainted and came in a coma. And now, nine months later, you are finally awake!" I look at him. unbelieveable.. this can't be true.. "Can I football again?" He looks doubt at me . "We are not sure.. You can try, but not yet.. first you have to wait a month or two.. and then you must start slowly from the begin. I can tell you, it takes time. You must heal first. and then you're weak to play , but I know that you can do it" He smiles at me.. Yeah whatever.

And now.. Tony wants ME to play again? No.. I don't know if i will be able to. In the past two years i wasn't, so why should it now? If Tony would "help" me get this outta my mind (which I don't want, but knowing Tony, he will get me to that place with him to see Aarch no matter what) , three years later, I am going to see them again. My buddies.. At least I don't know when. And I don't know if they would even recognise me...

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