Second Wind

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So glad that Tia came back! Now we can win this thing! I look at the team. It's complete again! My friends.


Oh no.. I totally forgot about him. I am such a bad friend!! Oh I hate myself!  

I slap myself. "What are you doing?" Micro-Ice asked. "I though I was the weird one."

"You are," I tell him, "It's just... Nah nothing. Never mind..." He shrugs

"Okay then."  He says and stands up like the rest of the team. It's game time. 

"Guys, and don't forget," Rocket says, "they're no good with their heads. We need all the high crosses we can get. If we wanna win, we'd give 110%. It's our only chance."

"For once I agree with him," I hear D'Jok whisper from next to me. 

"You always have to agree with him D'Jok." Busted hahah. "Rocket is your captain. Never forget that!" Bzzz  The buzzer goes off. Game Time. Let's win this shit.

We go stand in our positions. "You have one half left to prove your worth. I'm counting on you."

And the game starts. D'Jok steals the ball from the Tiger who was about to get it and knocks it with his head to Micro-Ice, who takes it and let it go for Rocket before another Tiger could steal it. That one goes after Rocket. 

Rocket passes to me and I see Thran is free. "Thran!!" I scream and pass it to him. 

Thran takes it and runs away with it. We take control over the ball. Rocket is free and Thran kicks it to him. Rocket concentrates on the ball and takes a run with it. He goes by two Tigers and pass to Tia. "It's all yours now Tia!" He screams to her. 

I watch her and see she's concentrating. Blue little sparks of lightning are appearing. She's using the breath! 

Two Tigers who are standing next to her see that and make a run to her. The blue is surrounding her and she closes her eyes. She bends down her knees with one straight leg and jumps up in the sky before the Tigers could take advantage of her. She spins around and stops before the ball. Swipes her right leg back and gives the ball and amazing kick. 


In the corner! Yeah!! "Tia you rock!!" I yell at her as she came down with a few somersaults.  The boys run to her and make a happy dance. They surround her and sortof bow for her and then they let themselves fall back on the floor. Hahah silly boys. 

The match goes on and I take the ball from the start. I run a few metres and pass it to Micro-Ice. Who dribbles it up over the Tiger who was standing behind him. Micro-Ice looks around and see Tia's preparing to use the breath.

He shoots to her trough the air and she makes a perfect backflip goal!

3-2! Aw yeah.

The ball is shot out again and D'Jok took it. He kicks back to Mei who takes a run with it. Mei passes the ball to Tia and she takes it. Two Tigers are behind her and the jump and just attack her! She makes a little jump in the air and falls on her back! Autsj.. 

I look around and see Rocket is hurrying to her. D'Jok walks to the Tigers and ask why. How could they? Ugh Pain in my ass! First with the Wamba's and now this!? 

I see a white flock coming down. What is this? I catch it with my hand and look up. No.. Not snowing right now? I run up to TIa and see she's just lying there like a broken one. So fragile. She opens her eyes a little and smiles to Rocket who sat bended down next to her. Rocket and I help her up. 

Two round red things come up. Penalty boxes. The boxes float above the Red Tigers and a red cocon thing-y surrounds them. Yess.

D'Jok already walks up to make the penalty. Rocket walks to him "That ball is mine." I look at their goalkeeper who was standing ready to hold it. A wall of three Red Tigers defend him. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2013 ⏰

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