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chapter one ;
their first meet

chapter one ; their first meet▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

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nakamura y/n's life wasn't really perfect. she was born with a disability— deafness. nevertheless, she's still grateful for what she still has yet she still has a difficulty to communicate with people but she still will try. one of thing she's good at when someone is talking to her is reading their mouth movement.

her hearing aids didn't really give her many benefits. sometimes it hurts her head when she hears noises mixed together. she much prefers silent.

there is actually a reason why nakamura y/n is coming out and walking in the park. she is supposed to meet her dearest cousins — the only relatives who bothers themselves to learn sign language. her own family didn't bother to learn to communicate with her. she didn't bother to use her voice to talk after her family told her — that her voice sounds weird.

it did hurt her fragile heart but she learnt to accept that fact.

as she was walking, the snow fell like a gentle touch on her palm. y/n is really fond of the winter season. she loves when the snow touches her skin, it was like a gentle caress on her cheek. she wonders if anyone would caress her cheek like the snow did.

she decided to sit on a bench to rest her legs after standing and walking for too long — her cheeks even grow warmer. she texted one of her cousins asking where they were now. as she was texting, there were two men coming towards her.

one of them open his mouth to sweet talk with her — "hey pretty lady, what are doing out here alone?"

the nakamura girl is frowning and feels annoyed and also uncomfortable, knowing what they wanted. she decided to stay calm and quiet. there's no movement to communicate with them.

the lack of reaction and talking making the two men slightly irritated — wanting her to talk with them, they started to harrassing her by touching her lightly. she is overwhelming that making her push them away.

this action making them more irritated — they were about to touch her more but to their surprise — including y/n, one of them get punch in the face.

things escalated so fast. one of the men laying on the ground, bloodied and the stranger on top of him punching him without mercy. the punches finally stopped punching when the stranger standing up. the saved one pull his half-conscious friend up and dragging him away for safety, "shit, it's kurokawa izana and the haitani brothers!"

y/n doesn't know what to feel — is she supposed to be scared? or grateful? she didn't notice or feel when her cousins already by her sides. her eyes only glued on the stranger who just saved her.

when their eyes meet, nakamura y/n can't help but be mesmerised by the stranger's eyes. his eyes remind her of lilac. his hair remind her of snow.

"are you alright?" — he asked but she didn't make any movements. the only word she could think is; beautiful.

this is their story.

a/n;i can assure you guysthis story will not endbeautifully and will end painfully

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i can assure you guys
this story will not end
beautifully and will
end painfully. just
a warning :)))

VALENTINE ━━ kurokawa izana Where stories live. Discover now