#3 ;

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chapter three ;
they meet again


it's a great day to go out

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it's a great day to go out. nakamura y/n are shopping for her needs in her apartment. she had to choose between her favourite food or a new plushie.

she staring the two things really hard in her trolley, making people who passing by watching her weirdly. that's until, our male lead appears beside her, — "you should choose the food."

she flinches and looks at him then immediately typing her phone— since when you're here?

he put his hands in his pockets, "just now. why are you alone?"

she tilts her head and she shows her phone— because i can? he secretly admire her, before push the trolley for her which leaving her dumbfounded before following him.

"hey, i never get your name. mine's kurokawa izana." he glanced at her, looking at her phone— my name is nakamura y/n. nice to meet you, kurokawa.

"izana is fine." he replied, looking forward. then both of them gone silent— when they're arrived at toy's section, y/n was about to grab the plushie to put it back but izana grabs her wrist to stop her, "no need. i will pay for it."

she is surprised that he wants to pay for the plushie. she can't say thank you with words but she can with her smile to express her gratitude. izana is slightly surprised to see her smile like that to the point it makes his heart flutter a little bit.

he pats her hair, slightly smiles— "in return, you gotta hang out with me every time i'm free." she's flustered when he pat her hair like that, then nods in agreement.

why's her heart racing so fast?


kurokawa izana is actually surprised how gentle and touchy he is towards the deaf girl beside her. he's even insisted to hold the plastic bags for her.

is it because he's just interested in her? or he's curious about her? he is never open up like this to anyone. is it because of her charms to people? ah, he doesn't like this feeling. it makes his stomach feel funny.

he feels like he wants to be by her side every time and every day. he wants to hold her hand, hug her and even kiss her— he immediately shake off the thoughts and glances at y/n, even the sun become the paid actor to make her shine.

how could someone like her can shine so bright? it was like the world become colourful when he's around her. they just met but she managed to brighten up his world.

"hey, what's your hobbies?" he said out of the blue, making her feel excited to answer his question, — i like to draw!

"draw? you love art? well, i can imagine that. you, an art artist in the future." he slightly smile, y/n excitedly look at him, her eyes shines as if asking him, really?!

nodding his head, "yeah. i kinda want to see you be an art artist. hey, let's be friends."

she smiles at him and nodding in agreement, making him smile back. if anyone knows kurokawa izana would be surprised if they see him vulnerable like this.

oh, how i want to see her every day.

a/n!i need aa love life too

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i need a
a love life too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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