Chapter 3: The Open House Ball

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Undisclosed Location Near Ponyville

Two Hours Before the Open House Ball

There were two figures that stood on the outskirts of Ponyville, both of them far off from the town's boundaries and near the edge of the Everfree Forest. The two of them wore cloaks, though it was noticeable that one was torn and ragged while the other was new and pristine. They were both looking in the far off distance at Castle Aurora, which dominated Ponyville's skyline. Unlike the rest of the town, which was growing dark and quiet as the day ended, the castle seemed to light up more brightly like a beacon in the fading sunlight

The figure wearing the new cloak was a white unicorn stallion with a golden mane. Underneath the cloak he wore an expensive and elegant shirt and tie that relayed his noble station. The unicorn was distinctly uncomfortable underneath the branches of the Everfree, and appeared nerveous from his constant shuffling.

The other, shorter figure had the appearance of a black pegasus stallion with a dark brown mane. He had on no garments other than the cloak, but his pale blue eyes seemed to pierce the oncoming darkness. The pale orbs glimmered with intelligence, with no small amount of cunning as well. Unlike the other cloaked figure, the black pegasus was distinctly at ease and calm. He carried himself with confidence and authority.

"Are you sure you want me to give this to Coal Dust? I really think we could gain much more by blackmailing her." The white stallion addressed his companion. He held up in his magic a small worn piece of parchment that looked official with its curved, slanted writing.

"Stick to the plan Blueblood!" The black pegasus hissed. "I've told you before! This is the best way for my colleagues and me to deal with Sparkle. Once she's properly distracted, we'll be able to proceed. Trussssst me!"

The cloaked pegasus stared intently at Blueblood with a fierce glare. As if the pale eyes boring into Blueblood would discourage the prince from hesitating.

"But that's the thing Bacillus, I don't trust you. Not at all. If you had not come to me almost a week ago with this," Blueblood waved the old fragment of paper in his magic. "I would not even be talking to you. I mean look at you! Your attire looks like it just walked out of the Badlands! And I don't even know your so called 'colleagues.' How do I know they can keep your promise?"

"Do not...tesssssst me Blueblood. My plan will work. Sparkle will be taken care of, and soon, her court as well. All you have to do, is give that piece of parchment to Duke Coal Dust, and let me take care of the rest."

Blueblood leaned away from Bacillus, cowed by the pegasus's ferocity.

"Fine." He stated in finality, taken aback by the pegasus sudden fierceness. Eyeing Bacillus warily, he spoke with caution. "But again, why must I give it to Coal Dust? With the information on this paper, humiliating Sparkle is a surety! I would love to do it! Why use the duke?"

Bacillus stood still in contemplation of the question, before turning back to Blueblood with a raised eyebrow.

"Tell me, how much would you enjoy being a crater?"

"A crater? Why ever would I be a crater?"

Instead of answering, Bacillus turned away from Ponyville and pointed with a wing towards the Everfree Forest.

"Look over there."

Blueblood turned and viewed the decimated forest. Many of the trees were ash or black shadows of their former selves. Craters the size of a castle littered the barren wasteland along with deep trenches scarred in the rock.

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