Chapter 6: Tears of the Sun

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Castle Aurora, Guest Room



Why do the shadows of lie and deceit eclipse the glory of the sun?

Why does she continue to weave her web of deception over her pride and joy?

Because I am a coward.

Celestia lay prone on her borrowed bed, not possessing the will to move any further. Her beautiful mane lay lifeless across her head, her tail similarly limp. Her large white wings were ruffled in a large disorganized mess caused by her anxiety, but she didn't have the sanctity of mind to preen her wings. Her eyes were shut closed and her face scrunched up as if in pain. Celestia breathed heavily and failed to control the sobs that racked her frame. Large tears welled up in her eyes before rebelliously streaking down her face.

And her heart ached as if it had shriveled up inside her because of fear and old pain.

None of that really mattered, Celestia knew she deserved this pain for what she had done.

A small, fragile voice cut through her misery, suddenly sharpening her senses into high alert.


Luna? I can't let her see me like this!

Before turning towards the door through which her sister probably stood, Celestia quickly erased any trace of tears on her and quickly smoothed out her feathers with her magic. She summoned a serene mask cultivated over a thousand years and lifted her head to face Luna.

Her sister seemed both determined and cautious, her face flashing through different emotions that Celestia couldn't identify fast enough. Luna stepped fully into the room and seemed to gather her wits once more, ruffling her wings as if in preparation to give a lecture. But even so, her teal eyes betrayed the hesitancy with which she approached Celestia.

"Luna!" Even after years of hiding her true feelings, Celestia couldn't stop a slight tremor from entering her voice. She didn't know if Luna had caught her crying or not, and the thought terrified her. "Y-You surprised me! Is everything alright? I thought you would have stayed up longer and enjoyed more of the ball." To try and strengthen her mask, Celestia formed a small smile on her face.

But Luna was not so easily deceived.

"Sister, you told me the night I returned that there would be no lies between us."

Celestia felt her face falter and her heart miss a beat. There was only one thing Luna could be referring to. There was only one thing she had kept secret from her sister.

Luna paused and seemed to chew on something, her jaw working up and down as she sorted her thoughts. Finally, she locked eyes on Celestia and spoke with the conviction only a little-sister could have.

"Twilight is your daughter, isn't she?"

Six simple words, but they were enough to bring Celestia's fragile mask crashing down. Feeling her lips tremble against her will and her eyes blur with tears again, Celestia wilted as the secret she had held close to her heart for more than twenty years was finally uncovered.

A desperate fear gripped her, prompting her plea.

"Does...Does she know?"

Luna shook her head. "No, not yet."


"How did you...find out?"

"I realized that it was you who had enchanted the mirror, and there was only one reason you could have done that." Luna replied. "But you're stalling. Tell me Celestia, tell me why Twilight doesn't know the truth. Tell me why you continue to deceive her. Tell me why you lied to me."

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