Chapter 4: Adoption Papers

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Castle Aurora Ballroom

Two Hours After Sunset


Coal Dust's proclamation echoed loudly in the ballroom, his nasally voice catching the attention of the entire crowd. Ponies stopped what they were doing and turned towards the offending duke of Fillydelphia. Twilight's ears flickered as she heard the crowd murmur around them, mostly curious as to what the stallion was pontificating. She turned quickly to the unicorn with a scowl written clearly upon her face. She could see that Coal Dust was smiling smugly as he waved in his magic an old worn out piece of parchment above his head for the crowd to see.

"Let it be known throughout Equestria that Coal Dust of House Obsidian has revealed Sparkle for the liar she is and saved our glorious kingdom from her tyranny and the corruption of her court!" Coal Dust yelled to the assembly, basking in the attention he was receiving.

He seemed to gain confidence in his cause as ponies looked at him, though they didn't seem to support the unicorn, it appeared that they only gazed at him to find the cause of the disturbance that had halted the dancing.

Celestia and Luna quickly closed ranks and gathered at Twilight's sides, presenting a united front to the errant noble. They both wore expressions of annoyance and frowned firmly down at the much shorter unicorn. But despite the obvious disapproval emanating from the two intimidating alicorns, Coal Dust continued his rabble rousing.

"Never again shall we be deceived by this liar! For I have proof of Sparkle's deceit!" All the eyes in the ballroom locked onto the parchment he waved. In the corner of her eye, Twilight could see Noctis and two of his guards shove their way through the entranced crowd towards the epicenter of the disturbance.

Twilight had had enough. "Duke Coal Dust!" She grounded out icily. "I know that you and your colleagues have issues with me, but can you at least have the decency to file a complaint like every pony else?!"

"HA!" The stallion laughed at her. "I do not take orders from a filthy commoner like you! Silence your tongue while your betters speak!"

The assembly gasped at the duke's blunt insult, and ponies close to Coal Dust edged away slowly as if afraid of being associated with him. Noctis scowled darkly as he sidled up next to the oblivious stallion, the other two guards waiting impatiently behind him. Next to Twilight, Princess Celestia edged forward until she towered over him. Twilight could see that Coal Dust suddenly remembered the presence of the other two alicorns and he gave two quick bows, and she could see small beads of sweat start to form across his face.

"Your majesty!" He said. "I have just uncovered a great plot against the throne!"
Celestia didn't indulge in his flattery, her eyes speaking for her as they smoldered with barely controlled rage.

"Coal Dust." Celestia said flatly. "Former Duke of Fillydelphia, you are dismissed. Captain Noctis will see you out now."

As soon as the words left her lips, the two guards behind Coal Dust seized the shocked former duke. But Coal Dust barely paid them any attention, he instead sputtered at Celestia.

"F--Former?!" He gasped, starting to struggle against the two guards. "Princess listen to me! That vile excuse for a mare is unworthy of the throne! I have pro—"


Twilight's eyes widened as Luna gasped beside her, and the entire crowd looked on in complete shock at Celestia.

She had just slapped Coal Dust. Hard.

"Enough." She stated simply in the eerie silence, her tone resolute as her eyes bored into the thunderstruck unicorn. "Guards, you know what to do."

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