Chapter 5: Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall...

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Castle Aurora

Three Hours After Sunset


With a determined shove, the doors opened behind Luna and her sister as the Armor Household returned from their brief sojourn.

Putting a hold on the conversation about nocturnal creatures she was having with Fluttershy, Luna turned around to get a better look at her friend.

With all that had happened, Luna was glad to see that Twilight and her adoptive family were mostly none worse for wear. Red eyes that had most certainly cried were shared all around, but each pony seemed to be acting in accordance with their own reactions.

Velvet and Night Light were obviously relieved to have reconciled with Twilight so quickly. Their postures were more relaxed than the others and it was evident that the revelation of Twilight's adoption had made them very, very tired. Though they smiled and supported Twilight unconditionally, the dark bags beneath their eyes told Luna that they desired rest and that they had had enough excitement for one night.

Shining and Cadance wore different reactions to the recent events according to their own perspectives. From the way he carried himself, Shining was shocked to find out that Twilight was not his blood-sibling but from his stiff posture and determined stance, Luna could see that the information didn't change how he felt about his adoptive sister. Even now, Luna observed as Shining carefully eyed Twilight as if afraid she might get hurt. It was evident that he still had that big-sibling protective instinct that was hard-wired into older siblings. Luna knew how strong such bonds were from first-hoof experiences with Celestia. Cadance, on the other-hoof, seemed absolutely delighted. No doubt because of her empathy magic she could feel the love the Armors had for each other, and was infinitely glad the revelation had not shaken that foundation of love. While she and Shining stood side by side, she seemed excited as if to see what other events might transpire, only for love to conquer all.

Spike was perched up on Twilight's back, like the dragon-riders of old, except reversed. He smiled and seemed very happy. Luna wondered if he was privately glad that he was not the only adoptive member of the Armor family, and the thought that he and Twilight were adoptees together probably brought a large amount of peace to his mind.

And then there was Twilight.

Her friend was the exact polar opposite of her adoptive family. While the others were tired and relieved, Luna's friend was revitalized and driven. Twilight was producing this fierce aura that she carried whenever she was faced with a problem she was determined to solve. Luna had witnessed this phenomena several times when Twilight confronted such obstacles as Sombra and Tirek. It was almost scary how single-minded Twilight could be, it was as if she was once given a task to accomplish, or a mystery to solve, nothing and nopony could stop her.

Quickly and without even breaking a stride, Twilight strove past Luna and Celestia and walked firmly towards her friends behind them.
They rose up to greet her, happy to see her in a better state than in which she had departed. Luna watched patiently from afar as Twilight relayed what had happened, and was pleased to see her friends support her. Next to her, Princess Cadance took her place on Luna's left while Celestia sat silently on her right. The rest of the Armors walked with Twilight towards the mirror on the other side of the room, like moths attracted to a lantern.

"What are they doing?" Luna whispered to Celestia, eyeing the large mirror curiously and Twilight's sudden fascination with it.

"Twilight is going to try and find out who her real parents are by looking into the scrying mirror." Cadance answered excitedly, bouncing with energy.

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