Villainous reacts to Dr.Flug as Mono

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(I'm cringe know, also forgive me if I get things wrong about the villainous characters I am very new to the fandom and I'm having trouble finding episodes in English, btw this follows my Little Nightmares au which will be explained later down)

With a pop Black Hat, 5.0.5, Demenica, Dr.Flug, Goldheart, Miss Heed and an adult six appeared in the Unicorn siblings' reaction room. Demenica tried to attack the two dimension hoppers but the barror between their boot and the actual reaction room itself stopped her from reaching them. Goldheart yelled at the two siblings to let them go while calling them villains.

"Ah, dimension travelers I was wondering when you two would show up"said Black Hat.

"You know about us..?"asked Poppy.

"Of course I do, I wouldn't what I am if I didn't"replied the hat wearing villain.

Everyone began to calm down after El and Poppy explained what and who they are.

"Also another thing, who is the random civilian sitting next to Flug?"asked Goldheart.

Flug and Six looked at each just now noticing each other.

"Hey Mono"said Six.

"Hey Six"said Flug.

Everyone else was shocked to see that Flug and this random lady knew each other.

"How do you two know each?"asked Black Hat.

"We knew each since we were, what 10, 12, maybe?"replied Six.

"You were 10, I was twelve when we first met"corrected Flug.

"So what are we going to react to?"asked Demenica.

"Flug and Six's past"replied Poppy.

Six and Flug visiably tensed when Poppy said this. They had wanted to move on with their lives after what had happened to them in both the Pale City and The Maw and forget that it ever happened but the past never forgets.

"First what they used to look like"said El.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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