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"Guys...I think there's a boat down there"

"Shut up"


"No way"

"No, no, guys. I'm serious. There's a boat down there. For real" Pope says pointing at the water right behind JJ.

They all stand on the edge of the boat looking into the water.

"He's right. Let's have a look" Winter say as she push her white open button up off her shoulders letting fall to the ground. They all just stare at her.

"What?" Winter ask as she unbutton her shorts

"Nothing" they all say in sync

"Well come on. Get undressed or me and JJ go alone" She say popping a hand on her hip standing in just a lavender swimsuit. They quickly get undressed. As soon as John B is done Winter push him in. The girls jump in right after. Pope is last in. Like always.

The teens all dive down to check it out. It is a Grady-white. Winter's grandparents has one.

"You guys saw that right?" JJ ask as they return to the surface again. Everyone answer him that they do and start to swim towards the boat.

"A new one of those is like 50 Gs, easy"

"That's a primo rig" JJ says as everyone except Winter jump on the boat. John B kneels down and lifts her out of the water as he says

"Yeah. That the boat I saw when I surfed the surge. Maybe it hit the jetty or something?" He puts her down and she hits his chest. Maybe a little to hard by the way it sounded.

"You surfed the surge? Are you crazy?" All he does is look down at her. He can tell what she's thinking from her reaction. He puts a soft hand on her and whispers

"It's okey. We are okey. Everything went fine" Winter's heart was racing of the thought of something bad happening. What if he had crashed like she did. What if he wasn't as lucky as she was.

JJ says something that makes her skin crawl. "That's my boy". Think about everything that could have gone wrong last night and the way he said "we". It wasn't JJ. He was sleeping at Winter's house because her grandparents didn't let her spend the night at the chateau, so JJ came to her instead. It wasn't Kie by the look she gave John B when he said it. And that leaves Pope and Winter feels kinda hurt by the thought that they would risk their life's know what happened to Winter last year

She goes blank in her thoughts and don't come back until John B stands on the edge with the anchor infront of his chest.
She quickly stand up and take the anchor from him.

"Are you serious that stupid?" She asked him. "Step aside and tell me what I'm looking for"

"Your not going down there" Pope says to her, like he could ever stop her.

"To hell I am. If I need to remind you I'm the one who was on the swimming team for five years"

"See ya" She said before jumping down. The anchor pulls her down fast to the sunken boat. She searched the boat and finds a key. She grabbed it and quickly returned to the surface

"Ta-da." She says holding up the key to show her friends on the boat.

"A key?"

"Yes, a key, Pope. God" She wait in the water for someone to help her on to the boat and after a long while JJ remembers.

"Sorry, W. I forgot" John b says as JJ sets her down next to him

"It fine. Should we report it to the coast gourd." She asked and kie ships in

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