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A tear runs down her cheek. She would recognize that voice anywhere, and it hunts her every night in her sleep. It the reason she's unable to sleep alone at night. And that smell of different mixtures of alcohols still stings in her nose. She can still feel that hand on her neck pushing her further into the cold sand.

She presses her eyes closed and another tear falls. "What a...are  you doing here?" Her voice breaks, the lump in her throat grows bigger.
He dragged his nose against her ear up in her hair. She swallow the lump, she knows she smells like a guys shampoo from when she showered earlier at John B's. He sniffs her hair and groan.

"You and John B seem cosy tonight" He says, you could hear the irritation in his voice.

"Jack, I told you. We are just friends. You said no boyfriends" She whispers. He tightens the grip he has on her.

"Good, it better fucking stay that way too" he says through his teeth. She doesn't say anything so he shakes her and screams

"Did you fucking hear me?" Him scream caused some teens to turn around an look at them and as soon as they did he pushed her away from him, taking a step back. She still hadn't opened her eyes.

"WINTER" Sarah scream for her made her finally open her eyes. She saw most of the bystanders watching her, she didn't even realise he had backed them away from the others. She looks back at him. He was standing a few steps behind her, she knows something will happened tonight if she stays but she can easily out run him so she takes her shot and sprint towards to where Sarah was standing, with tears streaming down her face. Topper is standing in the ocean holding John B under water. JJ step and into the water and puts the gun he had found earlier to Toppers head.

"JJ, put the gun down" Sarah screams at him. Winter takes a step forward and is about to take another when another step when a hand takes a hold of her arm. She closes her eyes, he got balls tonight she thinks before turn to see it's a worried Sarah, not him. Sarah almost forgets what was happening there on the beach as she sees Winter with black mascara running down her face, and how she flinched when she touched her.

"Did you say something princess?" JJ voice breaks them free from thought.

"JJ, please stop" Winter says. Everyone was yelling and everything was spinning for her. Her eyes starts to flutter and she was swing. Sarah tightens her grip on her arm. Kie notice them and try to help Sarah catch Winter but it was no use. Winter faint and fall to the sand.

Both of the girls scream at the others.
And everyone stops and look at the unconscious Winter. JJ and Topper break apart and Topper runs to his cousin, but just as he is about to kneel down next to her as JJ fires a warning shot.  Topper, Sarah and Kiara all flich and cover Winter on instinct. Winter returns to conscience with the shot, to see them all covering her. She and Topper share eye contact before he stands and pulls Sarah from her and off the beach. Winter sits up in shock. She hears Sarah's screams at Topper faint and John B on his knees in the water comes into her view before he falls backwards into the water.

"John B" She yells rushing towards the water. She bends down and lifts him enough to go down on her knees and rest him against her.



As soon as she knew John B was okey. She ran as fast as she could away from the beach, from her friends.
She saw one of her old friends about to enter her car as she reached the parking lot. She called her name and ran up to her.

"Winter? Are you okey?" Winter didn't even notice she was crying again.

"Can you drive me to Rafe's"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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