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"Johnny?" Winter taps him on the shoulder. He smiles at her over his shoulder and she blushes, smiling back at him. He takes a second look towards Topper and Sarah, before turning to face her. As he does Winter notice his eyes scanning her body, from top to bottom then up again. When he meets her winter blue eyes he knows she has caught him. She wraps her arms around his torso. He wraps his arms around her and they stay like that for a while.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about last night. It was stupid" he says into her hair. She pulls away putting some distance between them, shrugging her shoulders.

"Your not obligated to tell me all the stupid things you do. I just thought you were smarter then that, especially after what happened to me last year" Winter's voice stayed in a her low tone even tho John B could she the anger she had built up since early that day. John B rubs his hand over lips, looking up to the sky breaking eye contact. Just as John B is about to say something. Kie breaks them apart.

"Here, got you something a little better than beer" She said hanging Winter a red plastic cup. Winter sniffs the liquid. "It's just Pepsi. You shouldn't mix alcohol and your meds"
Kie says before turning to John B.

"Can I talk alone with Winter for a sec?" John B nod, giving Winter a pat on the back. "Well see you" he says as he walks away. Winter turns her attention to Kie. "What's up?"

"I'm just worried about you, V" Kie says stepping a little closer to her. Winter gives her friend a questionable smile."Why?"

"You don't have to pretend like everything is fine all the time. Not with us, not with me" Kie voice lowered as she said the last part. Winter give her a quick hug, neither of them being a big fans of hugs. She put on her best smile.

"I promise you, I am fine. It just been a bad day. You don't have to worry about me, you know that" The look on kie's face said it all as Winter spoke. "Hey, stop. I love you and I miss having fun at these things. Can we please just enjoy tonight and skip this until tomorrow?" Winter ask just as a guy holding two full cups of beer walks by and she snatch them from him and smile at him.

"Oh Andy, for us? You shouldn't have" He looks between the girls giggling, knocking their cups together.

"Well I definitely didn't you, bitch" he reached for the cups to take them back but winter and kie pulls them away. "I'm sorry, what was that?" Winter say to him before turning around to look around her. Her cousin was standing a few meters away with some of her old friends.
She smirk as she turns to face Andy again.

"Oh look who's over there it's Topper. Maybe I should call him over?"

"OH TOPPER" She calls causing Topper to turn to their duration. Andy panics and speed walk the opposite direction.

"What just happened?" Kie ask a pleased Winter. "Don't know really. Somthing happened at some party a few weeks ago and now he doesn't go near Topper or his friends." They both race their shoulders together before taking a sip of their not so cold beer. They both do a face of disgust to each other before kie looks over Winter's shoulder to see Topper behind them.
Winter turn in the direction kie was looking.

"What did he want?" Topper asked his cousin as he looks in the direction Andy went.

"Nothing, just offered us a drink" Winter says tilting hers at him. Topper takes the drinks from them throwing them out in the sand.

"Hey" Kie and Winter say at the same time.

"Hey. You shouldn't be drinking the stuff he gives to people, W" Topper says as he puts the empty cups together and hands them to kie. She smiles at the kind gesture, the not throwing them in the sand for birds to take or fly in the ocean, not for tossing their beers.

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