Fur ball (Alucard x reader)

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It was even more bizarre, as I got an invitation to an estate. Apparently, the previous owner of fur ball didn't want to give up on her pet. Curiously, I inspected the letter, while my dog enjoyed the feeling of my sofa.

"Hey, bad dog...off the sofa!"

Staring at me with an idiotic look, he just wiggled his tail.

"I said off!"

I am going to need some training with that big boy. Turning my back on him, I returned to the invitation, "Integra...the Hellsing Organization...Alucard?" One look over my shoulder, the dog stuck his tongue out. I giggled, "Alucard...what a stupid name for a dog, Ah!"

Not seeing it coming, the big bunch of fur had jumped at me. Losing my balance, I found myself on the floor soon after, "I said off the sofa and not on me!" Instead of leaving, he made himself comfortable on my back.

I had no chance to escape, "...help..."

At last I still had the letter in my hand, where Integra demanded that I would hand out her dog at once. I couldn't believe it, that she wants a thing like that back, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to visit her...Hey!" Fur ball just pressed his massive paws on my shoulders, while grabbing the paper with his teeth. The next, he ran off, "Hey, give me back the letter!" A wild goose chase came up, me against my new pet. My flat looked like a battle field at the end...broken glass, pots, destroyed plants, furniture tossed aside...I knew I should have gone for a smaller dog...stupid me and my stupid sense of responsibility. Fur ball didn't seem to be feeling bad, going inside the kitchen. Curious of what he is up to, I froze as I heard the door of the fridge, "Oh no!" ...eating away all my food for the week. He looked back at me curious, wiggling his tail again.

"Where is the letter fur ball?"

He didn't want to show me, going back to the fridge. It is not like I could same the rest of groceries inside, so I searched for the piece of paper...finding it under the sofa. At the moment, I climbed under the furniture; the doorbell rang, "In a minute!" Reaching out to the letter, I felt something from behind. Hoping that it was just fur ball passing me by, it was worse than I thought. He actually began to have his way with my butt, "Bad dog, bad dog!"

Ding dong!

"In a minute!!!!!!!!"

Thankfully, the ride didn't take long and for ball got off, heading towards the door. Without knowing, he opened it, letting in an old man. Meanwhile I was back on my feet, holding the letter...a wet one...

Carefully, I sniffed, "Ewwwww...you dirty pig!"

"Are you referring to me miss?" I almost feel over a small table behind me, as a man in a butler outfit bowed in my direction.

"Oh no, I didn't mean you Sir..." my glaring went towards the smiling something behind the man, "...it was more towards my dog."


I shook my head, "He is called fur ball and he is MY dog. I got him from the animal shelter."

"I am afraid there is a little misunderstanding..." he began, but I cut him off, "...don't bother, he is my pet and I will keep him...despite the rough start."

"Rough start?" he looked around, noticing what I was on about, "I see."

"Well I you don't mind Sir, I got to train my dog some manners, so could you please leave my flat?"

The man explained of why he came here on who he was. Mentioning the Organization and the previous owner, I raised my hand up for him to stop, "Like I said, it is my dog now. Good day Sir." He left alright, but only with the demand, that I will pay Integra a visit with the dog, discussing the issue. I didn't see it, but the butler seems to be very worried, as the dog began to wink, "Miss, are you sure you want that dog? With all respect, I don't think it is a wise choice to do so."

"With all respect Sir...closes the door behind you."

The rest for the evening, I had to clean up the mess fur ball had caused, while he took over the sofa once more. Once I started with my bedroom, he followed me in. Sitting there patiently, eh watched me changing the covers of my bed. It was somehow disturbing as his head moved wherever I went. At the dinner table, he continued this creepy stared...smelling what I just prepared of myself. Hearing him whine loud, I sighted, "Don't even think about it." With a strict and loud 'No', he left me alone. Satisfied, I took my first bite, "I may not need professional training after all."

Ding Dong!

"Who could that be at this time?" As expected, once I got there, no one was outside, "...probably some kids..." Wasn't the first time that this happened...but that something else disappeared at well, that was new. I was furious, seeing fur ball over my plate, "Off the table!" Too late...the meal was gone. That is it...I need some professional help. With nothing else to do, I made an appointment with a dog trainer for the next day, thankfully I made it in time to call him. Ten minutes later and I may have to wait another day for an appointment. Fur ball listened to my conversation, not looking pleased at all. I glazed down at the massive amount of fur, "Pray it works out for you."

To my dismay, I should have said, "Pray that I survive this."

Even the night became a horror. Inside my bed, I decided to read a book before I sleep. Until the dog boy walked into the bedroom and used his nose to get under the bed sheet, "No you don't! You sleep there." He looked very bored at the basked in the corner, looking back at me with this disturbing stare, "Stop it!" With his head down, he slowly go to his seeping place, curling up inside ht basket...but the stare remained. I couldn't finish a single chapter, "Fine, bed time!" Turning off the light, I moved around a little, till I had the perfect position to close my eyes. I had a pleasant dream that night, where a tall handsome man held me from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist. I hummed at the feeling. It felt amazing as the man kissed my neck tenderly, speaking into my ear a language I never heard of. Whatever it was, it sounded sexy. It felt so real, I didn't want this dream to ever end, especially as it turned into a hit and passionate kiss, where out tongues dance together, although...the taste of black pudding is a bit of a turn off, but I tried to ignore it. It felt like that I had this man in my bed till morning, cuddling, kissing through the night.

The horror came in a greeting of a wet nose.

Fur ball was on my bed, pushing the wet patch into my case, while liking my eyes, "Ewwww, get off me!" obeying my orders, I got up. I felt like I haven't slept at all, still having these wonderful images in my head...about this man..."Wow what a night." Touching my lips tenderly, I felt something else there, taking if with my fingers. It was black and soft...it was...it was...

Quickly, I ran into the bathroom, grabbing all sorts of toothpaste I can get and cleaned my mouth raw. My dreams were shattered... by the sight of black fur on my lips. The whole dream, I thought I had a hot passionate night with a handsome man...in reality...I had French kisses with my dog. Thank god I didn't have sex in my dream! After this, fur ball is banned to sleep in my room. For precaution, I lock the door. For fur ball a mean punishment, not feeling appreciated that he gave his owner the best time of her live, he even changed back to his original form to make it feel real. He didn't get it why I would throw him out of the bedroom. One thing was for sure, fur ball demanded something nice to eat for his effort and if I feed him properly...he may repeat the night for me, seeing it as a win-win situation on both sides.

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