Alucards Ideal partner /friend

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Alucard with their s/o as friends:

-he is understanding with his s/o (close friends like Walter)

-as a friend you can lower your guard around him, still hes not to be trusted blind(and neither will he do that around you)

-loves to scare them (once in awhile)

-gender doesnt matter to him and he wont kill his friends (unless he or she turns out to be a traitor)

-he can keep secrets like any other

Alucards type of women:

-he likes the haircolour blond

-he prefers long hair (but would not mind short either)

-he loves blue eyes (for him he finds it fascinating )

-he likes curves (the bodymass doesnt matter to him)

-she has to be strong for combat, since he wont be there to protect them (a war monger through and through)

-loves a woman who uses her heart (because his master doesnt and he has none of his own)

-prefers a human female (for him, humans are such fascinating and complicated creatures, no exceptions)

-he values someone who would not throw away their life for immortality

-he likes sensitiv women who show some emotion (since he hardly can show his own)

What he likes to do with his s/o:

-likes to see them sleep (seeing them at peace makes him envious)

-keeps his s/o company (and talks the night away with her)

-light contact with his s/o are important (that could be holding hands or sitting next to them, touching eachothers legs)

-never shouts at them, under no circumstances.

-shares his wine with his s/o

-behaves like a gentlemen in front of his s/o

-he never makes them feel uncomfortable or useless (unlike his opponents)

-hes a straight forward guy, he tells his s/o what she means to him and even what bothers him (as simple as that)

-he is good at making compliments

-he offers them immortality (as a test and in hope she turns it down and if she fails, he won't break up but will feel very disappointed for a while)

-he doesnt want her to fight (unless it is absolutely necessary !)

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