My Personal Brand of Annoyance (Celegorm XOC)

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"He's back again" a flustered Awaldo came rushing. Fighting the urge to hurl the hot pan at my annoyance's face I carefully rested it on the counter. Awaldo gave me a concerned look as I angrily slammed the knife in my hand "Remember CúlalmeI he is a prince. Don't be too harsh" then discreetly he hid all the sharp objects in the vicinity.

I felt the beginning of a headache behind my eyes. It had been a whole month and much to my dismay third son of crown prince Feanor, prince Turcafinwë, had taken an unwelcomed interest in our restaurant.

I took a deep breath, pausing right behind the kitchen door. Preparing myself to face the prince, I pushed to the door. "Finally! I've been waiting too long. You guys need better service" my fists clenched instinctively as I saw exasperation reincarnate sitting with his gross muddy boots on our tables.

Gently sliding his feet off the table in lieu of arranging condiments I turned back to him "My prince" I tried to lift the corners of my mouth in a smile as I continued "what can we get you today?" I handed him the menu in hopes he won't ask for the most bizarre things today.

Much to my usual disappointment, he threw the menu, aside as he rested his face in his hands and tossed his hair aside, from the corner of my eyes I could see the elleths next table giggle and swoon over the flaunting ellon.

"Oh, dearest CúlalmeI serve me something so potent that it gives life even to a dead prey, something as unpredictable as me, a bite of it should make the taster prance like the deer of the wild." I tried to rationalize with myself that punching a royal was not worth the satisfaction in my mind. The prince, however, continued with his unreasonable demands as I tried to tune him out.

It had been a month of this. Out of nowhere, I had somehow stumbled into this predicament when one of the hunters of Orome had come to drop off some venison. The cursed hunter, however, had prince Turcafinwë tagging along for some reason. As thanks, I fed them lunch but this turned out to be a significant error as the prince came every day to demand the same treatment as that day.

In fact, things turned drastic when next week he came alone to deliver meat—exclaiming that he preferred a certain type of texture for his roast and that he would provide all the supplies instead of my past partner. "Consider it an honor to be able to cook my catch. Now off you go" I had almost hit him with the very meat he delivered as he shooed me off.

For hours he lingered in the same place. Bothering me to be the only one serving him but it did not end here. With him came his extraordinary demands and a bunch of idle elleth and ellon who sat idly admiring him.

I noticed that the prince's rambling had stopped and looked at him to find him staring at me. By Mandos! had he noticed my blank expression? Panicking at the sudden eye contact I tried to bow and return to the kitchen "Ahh...I see my prince. Give me a moment" the sudden voice crack at the end made it worse.

"Remember make it yourself. I want no one else making anything for me" of course I expected this weird condition. I nodded at him and started walking towards the kitchen. Awaldo was just as good, if not better than me. It had been one time when we were busy and my coworker had made his order and that day could've been the day I got the chance to visit Tirion's prison. Our dearest customer had whined dramatically at a perfectly delicious meal. All of Prince Turcafinwe's antics had disrupted the whole place, baring all else from their food until he was served by me. Our cutlery seemed sharper than normal days that fateful day.

"How did it go? I hope you didn't commit treason outside?" I huffed at my amused partner who continued to work on his end of the fire.

I ignored the obvious jabs as a picture of revenge presented in my mind. Assembling the ingredients for a light sandwich I resisted the urge to seem too eager. "Ai, nilde you're scaring me with that expression" Awaldo shuffled away with his order ready. Seeing my only chance I quickly grabbed the freshly arrived batch of red peppers.

The prince would surely get a dish that makes the person eating it prance like a deer, a dish that represented him perfectly. A distant part of my mind wondered if I had lost hope for a peaceful co-existence. I steeled my resolve and added the peppers to the sandwich or added the sandwich to peppers. With great difficulty, I suppressed the laugh that rose in my throat.

Re-entering the kitchen Awaldo gave me a worried look as I passed him on my way to deliver my masterpiece. The unsuspecting prince perked up looking at the arrival of his food. For a second, I doubted my plan. Cooking was a revered activity to me. Food that brought joy to others' faces made me happy...I shook my head no this needs to be done.

"Here you go my prince" with a flourish I put the innocent-looking sandwich on the table. Drumming his fingers on the table with a childlike excitement prince Turcafinwe got ready to eat. I waited for maybe ages before he finished inspecting the sandwich and gently held it to take a bite. Just one bite and it would ensure our peace.

My eyes were fixed on his hands and mouth as he inched closer to the sandwich. I prepared to shove the glass of water his way right after the first taste. Just as he took his bite I prepared my ears for expected damage but it never came.

"Mmm it's delicious as always" my heart stopped when he went for another bite without a wince. Just as he was about to take another bite, out of a stupid instinct my hand stopped his wrist "you shouldn't" I whispered.

Looking closely now I could see slight redness in his eyes. Yet, Turcafinwe just smiled as he took another bite and finished the whole thing in two others. He did all this while my hand still held his wrist.

My world stopped when he turned his wrist and grabbed my hand in a smooth motion "Oh melda, how could I ever not finish the food you made" with a wink he kissed the back of my hand. I felt the tingle of pepper on my hand as he walked away with a promise to come back tomorrow.

Nilde- friend
Melda - beloved

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