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"You know me, we have met before"

He appears to her in her dreams, as she explores through her mind while she sleeps.

He is a shadow, that rises from the darkness of their mind. His dark colours make him appear so tall, even when she almost reaches his height. His hair, with never ending flow, messy and untamed, black and dark in contrast to the moon behind him. His pale skin, clashed beautifully with the darkness. However, his eyes are what captivated her, appearing a light blue, however you could see the stars - endless for eons - moving within them, darkening with every second that passes.

He was a dream within a dream, a beautiful mask that hides what lies beneath. But with all the emotion reading she can do, she doesn't really know what he's hiding.

Perhaps, his mask is there, to hide the nightmares that lay beneath his skin.

His pale lips twitch in an attempt to hide his smirk, "I have many names", he steps forward, long legs moving slowly, "I am the King... of dreams", his eyes, ever so eternal, take in her appearance, "and nightmares"

"I am Morpheus, Dream of the Endless"

His name sparked in her recognition, the man who was held captive by animals, who called themselves human.

She stares at him, as his gaze doesn't waver from her form. "You, are in the Dreaming, where mortals come to when they sleep"

Her blonde hair softly blows in the breeze, matching the colour of the sand that wips around her feet, "I do know you"

His lips twitch again, his amusement showing in his dark eyes, "yes, you do", he turns to face the moon, the stars that shoot across the sky slowly, as if time itself waited for them. "You, who freed me, who broke me from my imprisonment"

Her mouth opens, to say something, but no words come out. She can only watch as he turns back to her, his eyes now full of an unnamed emotion.

He slowly steps closer, as if growing closer to a scared creature. His fingers open and close, knuckles tight, "and yet, you left, without saying what is needed to be said"

Her body, although free moving, was still as he stopped before her, his body close enough to touch, his face close enough to hold.

She could feel the thrum of his power, his aura and essence that flowed within the very ground. He was connected, to the Dreaming, to the minds of every living thing that slept, and at the present moment, to her.

He was the Dreaming, and in his realm, all power was to him.

"Speak, and say your name", his fingers brush against her cheekbone, touching with gentleness that hasn't been felt in so long. "So I can know, who I am to thank"

His question, was simple, but the answer that was needed, was much more complicated.

Her voice, unusually whispery, and quiet, "I'm Deirdre, but I... don't know who I am"

Morpheus, his voice deep with curiosity, "why did you free me?"

She shivers mentally as his large hand slowly goes to her palm, intertwining their fingers, "You were trapped, it wasn't right"

His face, already so close, leans forwards, and presses his forehead against hers, his back lent down slightly to accommodate. He inhaled deeply through his nose, exhaling with contentment, "I was looking for answers myself"

She looks deeply into his eyes, feeling like she could see each and every star that glows in them. He was a stranger, and yet it feels as if she had known him all her life, however long it may have been.

"... and did you find them?"

"Yes, I did", his lips pull up finally, slightly. "My answer; she is standing before me now, as real as I was hoping she would be"

She frowns slightly, confused, "real?"

His hands, both of them, reach up and gently hold her cheeks, "precious thing, my saviour glowed with light that shined as if the sunless lands had greeted me, it made me think that my youngest sister cursed me with delusions"

"But now I know you are real, and now you are mine"

The enchantment he put on her, the wool he pulled over her eyes, the rose tinted glass he placed in front of her, shattered as those words escaped his lips, "yours?"

He breathes in deeply again, like her scent needed to be imprinted into himself, "yes, your body, your heart, your mind, your soul, everything that makes you who you are", his voice grows deeper and full of that unnamed emotion, "belongs to me"

Her bright, crystal blue eyes, once full of awe, were now watery, and afraid. Her lips trembled slightly, "I'm scared"

He chuckled, quietly, almost nonexistent, and it was deep, dark, "you should be, but you will learn"




"No!", she stumbled back, her memories now coming back to her. Why is she actually here? She needs to go back, she needs to wake up now

Morpheus grabs her quickly, locking his arms tightly around her. One hand comes up to the back of her hand, fingers interwoven in her hair, "I have you, you're safe, just dream"

Her eyes, although wide, started to close, a sudden tiredness washing over them. No, she needs to stay awake.

She starts to fall in his grasp, his lips leaving gentle kisses on her face, his lips slowly trailing down to her neck.


He bit her neck.

He groans as he bites her between the juncture of her neck and jaw, tongue lathering the dark, purple mark blossoming.

"My heart, you are home, within my arms"

She sits up quickly, her eyes wide with fright. Her eyes quickly dart around, seeing shes in her room.

She's safe.

It was just a dream.

She heads to the bathroom, using the toilet and quickly washing her hands, and then splashes her face.

She looks up at the mirror, and almost sobbed in despair.

That bite mark on her neck, done in her dream, was still there.

Dream Of Me | MORPHEUS |Where stories live. Discover now