The Knight, The Mutt and the Bardie

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Ryuko drew her sword, her father told her that demons would always smell like this. If they've killed within the last hour, they'd have the smell of rotting food on them. Thankfully the smell wasn't present.

"Little Dragon~" A voice purred in a singing tone from behind her, she whirled around constantly checking over her shoulder and eyes never staying still. Only the forest of the mountain was seen. Panic set in.

Is there only one, the smell is everywhere? How does it know my name?

"Little Dragon~ Wearing Hanafuda earrings" The voice continued to purr. Left. " Why are you so tense Kamado? You aren't your ancestor's descendant they'd never show such panic~" Right. "Pay attention my little one~"

Directly behind.

The girl spun around her sword following her movements as she attempted a diagonal cut. The demon bounced away evading the girl's attack. Ryuko now had a good look at the demon.

He was a little taller than her, with dusky purple skin and greasy black hair. The demon laughs, it wasn't a hearty or pleasant laugh she was used to. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

"Very good little one~" A black void opened underneath him, it smelt awful. Ryuko held back from covering her nose at the scent, of a pure swamp. This must be his blood demon art or even his quirk before he was turned.

The Demon disappeared into his swamp dimension. Its scent gets even stronger, The scent was moving. Left. Ryuko stabs her blade into the ground, where the scent is strongest, forcing the pocket portal to open. It spews out disgusting murky water. The Demon appears from the bog and screeches at Ryuko before disappearing again.

Ryuko examines the area and the possible places the Demon could appear from; the ground, large boulders even the trees that were big enough to fit a teen or young adult inside. The Demon's scent isn't erased even when submerged in its own swamp.

Ryuko inhales, directly in front. She prepares the fifth form as a counter and rushes to the spot where the portal will appear. However, three bog puddles appear, and three different Demons sprawl out of the swamp, one without a horn, one with two, and one with a single horn. The young hero jumps to avoid their grasp and calms herself as she switches forms.

"Breath of Water: Waterfall Basin!"

Three blasts of freshwater geysers came down on the three, this attack had the ability to cut down fully grown trees with a single strike.

Shit when I switched forms, my attack was too shallow of a strike I only manage to leave off the Demon's arms.

Ryuko calmed herself down again, determined to make the Demon talk about how it was even alive, existing for that matter! Her ancestors completely wiped out the demon species. Whilst Ryuko was lost in her thoughts The single-horned Demon tries to go for her leg, but Ryuko protects herself.

"Breath of Water: Water Wheel!"

The stream of water cools down Ryuko's sword, making the cut harsh a swift, her having to spin makes the attack lethal. Once again, her attack is too shallow, but she was able to save herself. She takes two more quick swings at the demons and misses, forcing the Demon to retreat. She takes a breath

If I change the style maybe It'll work better

Ryuko quickly evades the two-horned Demon's surprise attack. Its arm cracks the tree next to Ryuko but she jumps above the Demon and slashes its arm off.

Damnit, I missed, the scent invaded her nose. Shit, I'm too close to the tree! Ryuko twists her body over to avoid the attack and is forced to back up by an attack from underground. The Demon nearly lands a hit by appearing from behind.

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