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This wasn't going to be easy. Ryuko looked forward at her opponent. That's an understatement. Although she was the daughter of a pro-hero. She wasn't strong enough to face off with a Todoroki. His father taught him everything he knew whilst Ryuko's father passed before he could teach her past the fifth style of the breath of water.

She gulped the spit filling her mouth. This was the battle she was nervous about. As awful as it sounds, would be able to exploit Bakugou. But Todoroki. She couldn't.

Todoroki Shoto was Ryuko's first real friend. Although she knew it wasn't a real battle. It's hard to fight against someone that you care for. She sighs before going into a defensive stance her hands on her blade.

"Don't hold back, that's what you promised right?" She called out, the duo-haired boy looked back at her but did utter a word. He only gave her a small smirk when looked at her.

"It'll be a short match Kamado" the boy threw out his right arm, and a monstrous wave of ice rushed the girl. Her red eyes widen at the wave. She unsheathed her sword before being enveloped. The gasp and groan that came from the crowd about the boy's consistent move echoed.

Marlee let out a screech as she watched her eldest get engulfed, Ryuko's sibling's cheers were silenced they couldn't believe it, the strongest person they knew was just taken out as easy as the rest of the students the two-toned boy faced before.

Sonny looked over at her sister-in-law's family before looking down at the pro hero's son, the woman growled, rolling up her sleeves and gripping the railing. An arm slammed into her stomach, causing her to fold over and hug her stomach. The group watched as the eldest son completely render the hulking woman completely useless.

"Don't sonny" the rest of the family looked at him confused; the match was over. "Do you all have such little faith in Ryuko?"

The arena was silent. Class 1-A looked out on the field in complete shock. How

Bakugou growled and gripped the railing, Kirishima tried to pull the blond back to his seat

"THERE'S NO WAY! YOU GET UP KAMADO! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU! IF YOU DON'T GET UP AND FIGH-" the screaming boy was cut short by a blast of scalding heat.

"No way!"

Ryuko shivered within the ice, she slowed her breathing and thought. Why couldn't she think? Her grip began to falter, why couldn't she think?

"First form: Scorching...No, that's not right!" She stabbed the ice, and the noise made her ears ring uncomfortably, she ripped her sword back out. "Come on Ryuko, think! What did Sonny teach you?" she began to break down. The cold getting too much. Tears began to fill her eyes.

"Ryuko breath" Braide's voice echoed in her head, but she ignored the creature. She continued to hyperventilate. "Fine I'll do it myself"


A burning warmth, she felt the warmth inch up her back and lay on her shoulders.

"Let me guide you, Kamado my girl. Let me help."

She should be scared, but she wasn't. The voice was familiar. She felt safe within the walls of ice.

She looked up, the dirt was harsh, and she was gasping to regain her breath. She looked down at her hands, but they weren't here's, these pairs were more masculine, calloused, and scarred. A checked black and green fabric covered them. She looked forward to a pale male with blue, red, and yellow markings standing laughing.

"The boy is weak!"

A white and red haori fell in front of her, she looked up at the figure. She could almost compare him to the sun god Apollo. Red and yellow hair glowed like sunbeams

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