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Khalid - Better

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Khalid - Better.


BEAUTY CAN BE DISTRACTING. Avoid distractions.

Jason was more than happy to carry out a research for me on the lady Mr. John wanted me to go out on a date with. He said it was because he wanted to see me finally fuck someone else that wasn't loud and blonde with various BBL procedures.

After he was done with his quick research, his first sentences to me were, "I wouldn't mind fucking this chick. I think I'd even marry her for your contract with Mr. John whatever-his-last-name-is."

I told him she was from a wealthy family so she'd definitely want a drink and more before she'd ever let him fuck her. He said, "I'd buy her all the drinks she'd ever want for a lifetime. Have you seen her backside? Jesus." I asked him if his ick had suddenly sprouted wings and flown away. He told me "yes," and that Alaina was hot enough to melt his ick away.

I knew some things about her before I stepped feet into this white contraption of a house...things Jason hurriedly found out for me through the internet on my way here. That's why I wasn't exactly panting with my tongue out when I heard her tell me them a second time.

She's part-Somalian because of her papa; part-Nigerian because of her mama, and she's lived in her motherland for most of her life, but she left Nigeria on scholarship to study Medicine in the UK and graduated top of her class.

After that, she relocated to Canada with her grandfather's help.

She has five friends.

Her parents are divorced and they have a...complicated history.

Yeah, that's about all I remember from talking to Jason prior my visit.

Oh, no, wait. I also know about how popular she is amongst the male population of Markham because of her family who wants to marry her off by all means possible. But here she is, still single due to her insufferable behavior and reprehensible mouth, I'm sure.

I wouldn't even dream of getting with such an overbearing, sassy woman.

I like contrite women who do what they're told and say 'sorry' without moping around like idiots. Those are the kinds of women my papa always said to marry. Women who wouldn't think of divorcing you no matter the shit you put them through, like Theresa—he might've left out this last phrase. Women you could control...not women who would make you lose control—in every sense of it.

And even though I may have abandoned the life he left for me to lead eleven years ago, I still think he was right—as always. In my papa's case, words were louder than actions.

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