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Doja Cat ft

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Doja Cat ft. The Weeknd - You Right.


I SNAP MY EYES OPEN with a light sheen of sweat coating my forehead, breathing erratically and practically gasping.

My pulse quickens as I take in my environment: dark, and scary.

"Hello?" I whisper with my hoarse voice. "Is anyone there?" I ask again, the fear spreading through my entire body.

I stretch my hands to my bedside table, feeling on top of it 'til I find the lamp and turn it on.

There's no one here. Calm down, Alaina, it was just a dream.

A dream, subconscious? No, it was a nightmare.

I grab my phone. 12.34a.m., it reads. I must have slept off while chatting with Amara.

I open my Instagram app and stare at the last text she sent me before I drifted off to sleep.

She'd been bothering me about a visit since she found out I was in town. I told her I'd talk to her more on the subject when I asked for the prison guard's—Mr. Ash's—permission. Then I asked her about Jason, and she took so long to reply. That's why I slept off.

But now, as I stare at her reply, my gut whispers to me that something is wrong.

Amara: García is okay.

García? Since when? And why hasn't she told me about the blowjob incident Jason was mad about? We tell each other everything.

I scoff audibly.

I talked to my mum as well last night. After answering a literal interview from her about my well-being—and about my relationship status, urgh—I told her I was in town and she made me promise to come see her whenever I was free.

My mind drifts off to the nightmare I had: two unknown men were after me, trying to kill me like they killed Taylor. They said I'd 'found out their secret.' Her dead body appeared few times too.

I suddenly recall that I didn't any take Temazepam pills before I went to bed after reading such a diary. If I did, I just know that I wouldn't have woken up around this time.

I also know the nightmare I just had has everything to do with the diary I discovered. The diary I read yesterday and found out some really disturbing things about Taylor Ash.

After reading that diary, I'm one hundred percent sure that Taylor was murdered.

She ran away to the US with her anonymous boyfriend to California. She apparently bought the book in the US and started secretly documenting her adventures so she that whenever she returned, she would prove to her mama how good _______ was.

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