Chapter 7 - Finding Mono

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Ayo, what up? well, that was an embarrassing intro... But here is the next part of the story, Voidlings! Happy reading!                                       ~Morus

If the Tower's exterior was menacing, the inside was no different, there floating staircases, toys, and things from her memories. Six shuddered as she saw the remains of the big music box that the tower had used to make her into the monster form, but she didn't let that stop her from continuing her quest. 

She followed the calls that Mono would use to get her attention and climbed up the dozens of floating staircases to reach him. [the cardio tho, my legs could never] She even started calling back to encourage Mono to keep calling, but that had the opposite effect, so she stopped calling back to him. 

It felt like hours passed as she moved through one door and then the next, but she kept going so she could save her friend, and it was all worth it in the end. 

She kept following Mono's voice, getting ever closer to him, kept pressing on, and thought that no matter what happened, she would save him, no matter what it took.

 Six quickened her pace a fair amount as she heard Mono's voice closer, "You so close now, and we know that he's still alive," her shadow said quietly, "But I worry if he'll even trust you now... He seemed so betrayed when I made you drop him..." 

Six kept going, then she finally said, "Don't worry Shadow... If he won't come with us, I'll just carry him out with us, but it will take him some time to trust us again..." her shadow nodded, and floated after Six, as some shadows do. 

She went through the last door and finally found Mono, but the room Six found him in, both astonished and frightened her at the same time. It was filled with clones that looked exactly like her, except for the bags on their heads or the axes on their backs. 

Some of them insulted Mono, others hit or threw things at him, and others did nothing but stare at him. She knew that this was wrong so she started moving towards Mono, not knowing that he thought she was yet another clone.

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