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[Two Hours later]

"Hey, Mono?" Six said to her companion, "Yes, Sasha Six?" Mono replied. 

They had only repaired their friendship two hours ago, and they were already calling each other as they did before the tower incident. 

"I have something to show you," she said happily, "yeah she has been collecting some things..." Shadow said with a calm tone. 

Six waved the shadow away as she emptied her raincoat pockets of the hats, "I kinda collected them in your absence," she said while laughing. Mono looked at them with astonishment, "Whoa... that's amazing!" Six giggled, "You aren't the only one with a bottomless hat pocket," she said while smiling. 

Has her smile always been that bright? Mono thought, pulling the two hats that hadn't been taken away from him, "I only have the carved one and this grey one," he poked the thin man's old hat, "I'm surprised this one hadn't disappeared yet." 

Six nodded in agreement. "But that's all eleven hats that you were looking for, right?" she asked curiously, "Yep, that's all of them," he confirmed as he put the hats into his hat pocket, "Thank you, Six."

"You're quite welcome," she said while taking the bag off her head and putting it on his, "Baggs McBaggerson," he sighed, "I guess that nickname stuck, even after all these years, huh?" 

Six smiled and nodded again while pulling her hood over her head, "It sure did, Baggy, it sure did..."

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