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Tara Carpenter is a short brunette girl. Her friends are Mindy, Liv, Chad and Wes, but her best friends are mindy and liv.

Speaking of mindy and liv.
"TARAAAA!" mindy yelled from her car while honking the horn. "Ughh, I'm coming!" Tara yelled while grabbing her toast and backpack and then running outside.

"Finally." liv said, taking one ear phone out of her ear. "Took you long enough." Mindy said as she rolled her eyes playfully. "You guys are so impatient." Tara said as she hopped in the passenger seat of the car and put her seat belt on.
Mindy started the car and put the music on full blast as they drove to school.


"Where are they?" Wes groaned as he opened his phone to reveal all his unread texts to tara. "Probably late again." Chad said as he laid back on the bench they were sitting on. "We need to arrange a schedule, how to get to school on time." Wes says as he hits his legs with his hands annoid. "Chill, it's not that big a deal. Besides, it's nice not having the girls around for once, So peaceful." Chad smiles as he sees wes's annoid face. "I'm sure they'll be here soon."


"Shit, guys were gonna be so late." Liv says as she puts lipstick on. "Well, maybe if Tara didn't take hours to get ready -" mindy says as she gets cut off. "HEY, IT takes time to look this good." Tara says as she giggles and turns the music down.
"Were hereee." Mindy sings as she parks.
Tara quickly opens the car door and hops out, and so does Mindy and Liv
They walk to the table where the two guys were sitting one looking very impatient, bouncing his knee up and down, and the other laying on the chair bit the bench and enjoying the shade.
"Hey boys, hope you didn't miss us too much." Liv smirks as she walks up to the two and sits next to Chad as he fixs his posture. "You guys are. Hmm, let me check! 23 minutes LATE." Wes says angrily as Tara and mindy approach. "Chill, dude, school hasn't even started yet, I count that as a win!" Mindy said smiling as she sat down at the other end of the table from Wes.
Tara went and sat down next to Mindy, but as she sat down, the school bell rang. "Are you kidding me?" Tara sighed as she rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Whatever, let's get this over with." Mindy says as she stands up and starts walking into the school.
"Hey, wait up." Tara calls at her running after her, but as she takes her eyes off Mindy for one second, she look back and bumps into someone faceplanting into their chest.
"Omg, I'm so sorry-" Tara says as she realises who she bumps into.
Amber fucking freeman, great. "Oh." Tara said annoid, she then backed away from Amber. "Hey, carpenter." Amber smirked as she looked Tara up and down.


Amber was one of Tara's worst enemies, now I know you've probably heard that line in a couple other situations but this one, she ment, in fourth grade on picture day she poured spoiled milk on her head and ruined her picture, in fith grade she threw white powder all over her in a bathroom stall as a middle school goodbye prank and in seventh grade Amber took her bag and hid it in the janitors closet for a whole day and when Tara found it, everything was drenched in condiments and her phone got so wet from the condiments it never worked again, there's many more things Amber has done to Tara to be the annoying popular girl she is. Though Tara is 5,1, and Amber is 5,6, they always seem to meet eye to eye. By that, she means Tara always ends up bumping into Amber.


"What's wrong? Mesmerised?" Amber chuckles as she notices Tara just staring into her eyes, "No."tara pulled a disgusted look as she crossed her arms. "Well, since your cheeks are going red, I beg to differ." Amber says, smirking as she leans closer, crossing her arms as well. "What do you want, Amber." Tara said firmly as she rolled her eyes. "Uhm, it should be the other way around you're the one who walked into me, car-pen-ter." Amber said making fun of her but still containing her bitchy stance. "Whatever I don't have time for this." Tara groaned as she looked at her watch and realised- "oh shit I'm late." Tara whispered under her breath but Amber still caught on to what she said. "Oops" Amber chuckled as she walked away.

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