finally happy <3

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The next day at school was quiet. At least for Tara, it was.

"Hey, Tara." Mindy squeals, sitting down next to the distraught girl. "So, tell me. How was it?" She grabs one of her twins fries and plops it into her mouth.

"The part where we fought or the part where I practically forced myself upon her?" Tara groans, throwing both of her hands onto her face.

Mindy widens her eye for a second. "Yikes, not so good." She chuckles. "It's okay, T. Every lesbian has a meltdown at their first awakening."

Tara just nods slowly before noticing Wes look their way. His eyebrows are furrowed. Probably from yesterday. They never texted about it. Tara just kicked him out and left him. As Tara's about to open her mouth to talk to him, he turns his gaze away, focusing on his conversation with Liv.

She sighs. "I'm a horrible person."

"Hey, I'm sure it isn't that bad." Mindy reassures. "Ambers had a lot of women in her bed. She'll be used to it."

"Noo!" Tara whines. "You don't understand! She looked like a kicked puppy - and- and I hurt her! I can tell!" She lays her head in her arms. "And the worst part is, I acted like the victim." She says, her voice muffled by her sleeves. "She'll never forgive me.."

Mindy places a hand on Tara's back, rubbing it. "I don't know what to tell you, T." She sighs. "All I can say is I know the way she looks at you. She likes you."

Tara lifts her head slightly to look at Mindy. "You think?" She mumbles.

"Posotive." Mindy confirms. "Plus, I know Amber Freeman. That woman does not give up easily." She chuckles, then stops and rests on a comforting smile, looking to Tara. "Don't give up. As long as you're one hundred percent sure you like her.. and the female gender." She snickers at the last couple of words.

"I do.. I do, Mindy.." Tara chokes out, realisation hitting her. "Yes, I- I love her."

"Woah, okay." Mindy chuckles. "Hold it in for her, okay?"

"Yea- I- I will!" Tara beams, confidently standing up with her palms pressed against the table. "I'm gonna tell her how I feel." She gets a far distance away from the table and enters the school.

"Fuck, I can't do this." Tara mumbles, leaning against a random locker.

Then, she feels a tap on her shoulder, causing her to jump.

"Sorry." Wes coughs. "I didn't mean to scare you."

Tara sighs, glad it wasn't the raven girl she'd been going to talk to. "No, it's okay." Tara smiles. "Sorry about the other day, by the way.."

Wes nods slowly, the smile still evident on his face. "I'm sorry as well. I haven't been the best." He chuckles slightly. It's silent for a minute before Wes decides to speak up. "And uhm, about Amber.." He starts. "She likes you. A lot. I've just been a dick, standing in your way and all.."

Tara smiles back at him, lunging forward and hugging him. "Thank you." She sniffles out. "I'm starting to doubt it, though." The smaller girl sighs, pulling away slightly. "What if she's mad at me?"

"She'll forgive you." Wes rolls his eyes playfully. "I mean, she has before. Many times, actually."

"What? What do you mean?" Tara asks, furrowijg her eyebrows.

"Oh, has she not told you?" Wes copies Tara's expression. "I'm sorry, I thought she would've."

"Told me what?" The smaller girl questions, now completely releasing Wes.

"Uhm, I don't know if it's my story to tell." Wes says, but as he sees Tara's glare, he quickly changes up. "B-But, it will help your relationship, so I'll tell it?" And Tara smiles. "Uhm, so, in like, fourth, fith, like all those grades.. she had a massive crush on you. Even when you like.. ya know, dated me."

Tara's eyes widen, her cheeks changing a rosy colour. "She did?!"

"Mhm." The boy hums. "And we were kinda at each others throats, trying to fight for you." He chuckles nervously. "But, I won in the end, and she was heartbroken.. she even walked in on us kissing when she came to confess to you.."

Tara's stunned, stood still in her position. "Oh my God. That'd why she didn't talk to me for a week." Her face falls. "And now I'm doing it again! Telling her I'm not sure if I love her or not."

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Wes comforts her, parting her shoulder. "You didn't know. I mean, how could you.. I was always there to stop her from getting to you. I'm now realising how much of a dick I am."

Tara smiles up at him. "It's fine because I was a dick too." She chuckles lightly. "But I have to find her.."

"A little birdie told me she's practising in the sports hall right now." Wes says proudly.

"You are SUCH a dork." Tara giggles. "But thank you, Wes. I'm so grateful to have you as one of my friends."

"I'm grateful to have you too, Tara." He smiles. "Now go. She might leave if you aren't quick."

"You're right. Yes, I will." She nods, determined. "I will! Thank you so, so, so much, Wes!" She shouts as she runs to the hall."

Running through the halls, past the lockers, she stops, seeing the big blue door that leads to the sports hall.

Taking a deep breath, she opens it, seeing no one there. She scouts the area. She has GOT to be here. She has to! It can't be too late. No..

Tara runs inside, checking behind the large equipment and the curtains that lead to different sports rooms. Where is she.. where is she?

Tara, now having checked all the rooms, falls to her knees. 'It's pathetic, it is.' She thinks. But little droplets of water start escaping from her eyes. Slowly, but carefully, the tears become faster, falling down her face in a sad rhythm. Why is she crying? It's not like Amber going to ghost her.

"This was the perfect opportunity." Tara mumbles to the floor. "And I blew it. Of course, I blew it." She cries. "I'm sorry.."

But, before she gets too deep into her self-pity, she hears a voice.

"I'm guessing you aren't talking to the floor?" Amber smirks, coming behind her with a basketball under one arm.

Tara's face lights up as she snaps her head around, practically jumping onto Amber. They collide and go falling to the floor, the orange basketball long forgotten.

"Amber, I'm sorry, I do like you! I love you! I'm sorry for ignoring you all those years ago! I'm sorry for choosing Wes!" The emotional girl takes a moment to open her eyes and look to the pale girl underneath her. "I'm sorry for ignoring your feelings."

Amber's eyes are widened. She's shocked for a moment, before lightly chuckling. "So, you like me?"

"More than like, Amber! I love you!" Tara sniffles, her grasp on Amber's shirt tightening.

"Okay, then." Amber pauses. "Now, we can kiss." She mumbles, placing a hand on Tara's face and pulling her closer. "I always have loved you, Tair."

"I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner-" Tara gasps as Amber's connects their lips. She placing a palm on Amber's face.

It's a sweet and longing kiss. One that Amber's been waiting for since fourth grade and Tara's been waiting for since yesterday, but who cares? Both girls want it and both girls are happy. That's all that matters in their eyes.

"Wait, who told you that I liked you years ago?" Amber suddenly breaks the kiss.

"Wes." Tara giggles. "He's sorry, you know."

"Doubt it." Amber scoffs.

Tara rolls her eyes. "People can be jerks. You were one as well." Tara points out, tapping Amber's nose. "You just have to see their true intentions. Wes just wanted to be loved, plus.. I think he has something for that girl in his science."

"Oh, so, we're gossiping now?"

"It's not gossiping if it isn't mean!!" Tara reasons.

"Shut up and kiss me."


A little happier with with ending.

Wes not an enemy, and Amber not chasing after Tara all the time. ✔️
(Love to see it 😼)

1381 words.

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