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(HELP someone stole the whole of the bathroom 7 minutes in heaven bit from my story and replaced it with Vada and Mia 💀)
(Like WORD FOR WORD, what do I do about that.. 🫢)

Amber's pov:

I woke up, my head spinning. "Fuck." I groaned as I sat up.

"Amber?" Tara mumbled as she turned around slightly, rubbing her eyes and looking at me with a confused expression painted across her face.

Before I could even process what happened, Tara jumped out of the bed.

"Ohh my God, why am I in your bed?!" Tara questioned, panicked.

"I- I don't know?" I replied, confused. I didn't know what had happened. I drank a lot, that I knew.. but how did Tara end up in my bed?

"Amber.. did we..?" Tara says, fear plastered across her face.

"Don't be ridiculous, I wouldn't do that with you." I snickered as I brushed my hand through my hair.

"No, how am I in your bed? Why am I in your bed??" Tara questioned, giving me a disgusted look.

I prefer drunk Tara.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Tara stated, looking around the room for her phone, finally seeing it in a pile of clothes.

"Tara -" I said, trying to calm her down but getting cut off.

"You were literally HOLDING me. Amber, I don't like you like that. In fact, I don't like you at all. You've bullied me half my life at school out of nowhere. I get our recent banter, but all of that sweet shit you did yesterday just so that you could get me in your bed?" Tara rambles, not thinking or paying attention to what i was trying to say.

"What? No, no, of course not!" I replied, pulling a disgusted face.

"I don't know what's happening with you and your bipolarness, but stop messing with me!" Tara yelled as she walked out the door, slamming it.

"Bipolarness?" I mumbled as I fell back into my pillow, face first.

Just then, it hit me, what Tara said.. she doesn't like me at ALL. I mean, it makes sense. One day, I randomly turned on her. I've been trying to be nicer. It's just hard when Wes is around. I hate going soft on people, but when Tara was drunk, I couldn't help myself. I feel like.. I don't know.. I need to make sure she's safe? It's not like she'd remember anyway. She was drunk.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door shut. "Fuck."

"Amber!" A voice came from downstairs.

"Coming." I mumbled as i got out of bed and walked down the stairs.

"Amber! What is this??" A woman spoke.

"You guys were out. I was gonna clean it all up." I rolled my eyes.

"We trust you with the house, and you do this?!" My Dad yelled back as a response.

"It's not that big of a deal, I'll just clean it up." I mumble.

"No, you need to be punished." He says as he walks over to me, clenching his fists. Before I could react, he had punched me across the face.

I stood there, shook. All I could do was hold onto my cheek, I winced as I felt it.

"Now then, I suggest you go to your room." He stated, refusing to avoid eye contact.

What the fuck had just happened..

Third person:

Amber ran up to her room, slamming her door. Sure, her parents were strict and used violent words, but they never directly hit her, worse.. punched.

Amber just laid in her bed. She truly hated her parents and couldn't wait to be old enough to run away. She remembered when her and Tara would talk about it.

Amber would never admit it. Not for all the money in the world, but Amber was jealous of Wes. Extremely jealous.

If you haven't caught on yet, Wes stole Tara from Amber. Every time Amber wanted to make a move, Wes was always there to shut it down.

Amber was mean to Tara because, if Tara were to hate her.. at least Amber would be in control of it in some way, and not Wes. Which, now that Amber's thinking about it.. sounds dumb.

Amber sighed. She laid her head down and tried to sleep. Even though it was 2 p.m. She didn't want to deal with her problems. At least let her get over the massive hangover she was dealing with first.


Tara got home, opening the door slowly, trying not to make a creek. Luckily, her mom was passed out on the couch.

"Thank God." Tara said under her breath as she started making her way to the stairs.

"Tara?" Her mom called from the lounge.

"Fuck." Tara sighed. She didn't swear often, almost never.

"Where were you yesterday?" Tara's mother smiled at her, but Tara knew it was all fake.

"A friends." Is all Tara replied, trying to go upstairs.

"Which one? And why didn't you tell me?" She questioned, getting more serious.

Tara sighed. "Livs, I forgot to text. Sorry." Tara mumbled.

"What if I was worried?" Her mom spoke again.

"Trust me, I know you weren't." Tara said just under her breath as she yet again tried to escape to the upstairs.

"What was that?" Her mom asked, but Tara just fled to her room. She wasn't going to deal with her mother right now. Tara had bigger things on her mind. Amber.

Tara might have been a little bit harsh on Amber. She had a good reason, though. Amber just tried acting all nice to get Tara into a vulnerable state.

Tara tried and tried to remember that night, but she was hung over as fuck, worse than Amber was, and whenever she tried to think she would get reminded of the migraine going on in her head.

She just fell into her pillow and tried to rest, maybe even sleep if she was lucky. Knowing Amber, monday was gonna be a long day.


Short one, but I just wanted to give a small background on them 🤭

1018 words

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