i love you <3

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The bell rang, and Tara was anxious.

"Hey, T, you good?" Mindy asked as she saw Tara fiddling with her fingers.

"Hm? Yeah, yeah, I'm just thinking." Tara mumbled. "What do I do when Amber comes over? I dont want her to think I wanna.. you know.. but maybe I do?" Tara rambled on.

"Woah, woah, Tara. Just be chill, watch a movie, and maybe have some drinks." Mindy laughed, rolling her eyes.

"But - " Tara started but got cut off.

"Shh, no buts. Now go get your girlfriend." Mindy shushed.

"Kay.. wait, what?" Tara said, but Mindy had already left the classroom.

Tara got up and started collecting her things, quickly scrambling for the phone in her bag and walking out of the classroom.

Tara was nervous. She anxiously walked out of the school, looking for Amber when she saw her leaning on her car.

Tara walked over to her awkwardly.

"Hey." Tara said, catching Amber's attention.

"Oh, hey." Amber smirked, looking up from her phone and checking Tara out.

"Soo, my house?" Tara suggested.

"Yep, just give me your address." Amber said as she opened the passenger door for Tara and got into her side.

"Oh, so you're showing your soft side now, huh?" Tara teased, buckling herself in.

"Shut the fuck up, it's just manners." Amber scoffed.

"Oh, well, continue, please. I'm enjoying this side of you." Tara smirked, unlocking her phone.

"Pfft, whatever." Amber mumbled, blushing as she turned the car on and started driving.

"Can I put some music on?" Tara asked as she did it anyway.

"Well, it doesn't seem like I have a choice." Amber chuckled, driving out of the school parking lot.

"OH, I LOVE THIS SONG." Tara giggled and began wiggling around as an attempt of dancing.

Amber looked at her and smiled.

"You're so cute." Amber smirked, seeing Tara freeze as her cheeks flushed with red.

"What? I- y-yeah, thanks." Tara stuttered as she quickly looked out of the window.

Tara had placed her phone in the cup hole. Her phone started to go off with texts from "Wes😊"

Amber saw this and frowned, clenching her jaw and grasp on the steering wheel.

"Your phone is going off." Amber muttered.

"Hm? Oh, don't worry, it's just Wes. I'll text him back later." Tara giggled as she switched her phone off.

"If you say so." Amber sighed. "What are you planning on doing anyways?"

"Hm? What do you mean?" Tara replied, looking up to the taller girl.

"Like, at your house. What are we gonna do." Amber chuckled.

"O- oh, well.. I was thinking we could like, chill, and like.. " Tara was blushing, thinking about what Mindy had said earlier. "Watch a movie.." Tara mumbled under her breath.

"What?" Amber questioned.

"Uh, maybe l- like, watch a.. movie..?" Tara stuttered, playing with her fingers. "If you want to, of course, we could do something else."

Amber just chuckled. "Are you always this nervous?" She questioned. Amber knew the answer, but it was fun teasing Tara.

"What? I'm not nervous." Tara mumbled, still twidling with her fingers.

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