Overprotective Fresh x reader

94 3 14

You don't know how you ended up in this situation.

One minute you were chowing down on ice cream and nachos with Fresh at a table next to the skate park, and in the next minute you were desperately trying to give some random person hints that you were taken.

He placed a hand on your shoulder, forcefully guiding you away from the picnic table you had your food on. He lead you both to a space behind an old oak tree, scratched and bruised from years of being used to practice tricks.

This man was around his forties. He had a dad bod, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, until he started sticking his finger in his belly button and digging inside it while he talked to you.
He used his free hand to scratch his stubble, leaning against the tree to look you over,

"What's a pretty little thing like you doin in a place like this? " he said, his voice scratchy and rough.

"This is a public skate park." You tried to keep your wits about you, ultimately failing when you flicked your gaze to the ground and tried to subtly turn your head back to the picnic table.

Fresh had been in the bathroom for a pretty long time.

You didn't even know skeletons 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 use the restroom...

"Yeah, no shit sherlock... " the man let his eyes wander downwards on your body, shamelessly biting his lip, "How 'bout I just cut to the chase, eh? "

He shifted forward, taking his finger out of his stomach and placing it along your jawline. His breathing was dank and deep as he closed his eyes and leaned forward.

You pulled back from him with a wrinkled face of disgust.

"I'm sorry, but I'm taken. I-I think I have to go now." You pulled down on the hem of your shirt , suddenly self conscious, and briskly began to walk back to the table.


This man could run fast, you discovered, as he began to chase you after a couple seconds of standing like an idiot in disbelief.

You didn't know where to go, the table was right in front of you, but the old man was right behind. You weren't the most athletic but you were sure you could outrun this nasty old fat pervert any day, so you picked up the pace and ran right past the melting ice cream and cold nachos.

Propped next to the table was a rainbow skate board that you'd gotten Fresh for his birthday. You snatched it and changed course, diving into the skate rink and landing on the board. You let yourself drift onto the other side of the park, riding up a concrete hill and twisting to look back at the man.

He was directly under you, yelling some indecipherable things you'd actually prefer not to hear.


Much rather not hear.

Out in the distance, you could see Fresh waving goodbye to the owners of a cafe across the street. In his hands were two paper bags, one slightly larger than the other.

He turned to face the picnic table, grinning in expectation and holding the bags up for you to see.
When he saw you weren't there, he began to swivel his body around, glancing everywhere before finally making eye contact with you on the skate ramp.

He looked confused, but gave you a thumbs up and clapped in mock cheer.

You shook your head violently and pointed downwards at the screaming man below, who was now throwing his middle finger at you.

Fresh followed your hands, locking his gaze on the sweaty fat man.

It was like he mentally rolled up his sleeves as he set the bags down on the table and began stalking forward.

He cracked his knuckles, sprinting the last couple steps before he could reach out and grab the spittle-covered man's shoulder.

He stopped yelling and turned, having to look up slightly to meet the 6 foot skeleton in the eye.

Fresh grinned, wiping invisible dust from the guy's shoulder and patting him twice.

"Yo dawg, couldn't help but notice ya actin like a dickweed all up in here... Everything tubular- or am I gonna have to open up a can of whoop ass? " he adjusted his glasses, glancing up to you and back down at the silent pervert.

"What the 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 did you just say to me? " the man growled, sticking his face in Fresh's and spitting on his heelies.

He stayed surprisingly calm, cringing back from the sweaty man and shaking off his loogied foot.

You held your breath, not for Fresh, but for the destroyer of his ego.

Fresh half laughed and found a tight grip on his shoulders, losing all facade of being angry and simply asking,

"What was ya doin with my girl? "

"YOUR girl? That's MY girl, idiot. "

"Yeah, that's what I said, dunce face. "

And in a flash of honestly sad anger, the pervert shot forward with a curled fist, missing Fresh's face by only a slight inch.
Fresh stuck out a foot for the man to trip over, then stood over his body on the ground to dig the wheel of his shoe into his thigh.

Using one finger, he lowered his sunglasses just enough for the wriggling shadow of the parasite to writhe on the concrete below them. He leaned closer, earning a whimper of fear from the fat man slobbering tears on the floor,

"I don't 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 wanna see yo wack ass self 'round here again, you hear? If I catch even a 𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘴𝘦 of your sorry chuckle head, I'll make sure you ain't never walk during the day again foo, got that? "

The man shook but said nothing, until Fresh dug his heel even further into his skin and grabbed him by the collar,
"Let me make dis a bit more understandable for ya. I will kill you if I ever see you again. Do. You. Understand? "

He nodded frantically, crying real tears as he ran off.

Fresh watched him and borderline chuckled, smiling to himself.

He turned back to you, pointing at his skateboard and cocking his head,

"Got any tricks up yo sleeve, pup cup? "

You frowned, "Was that really necessary? "


Puh- 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 😭, I spent a really hot minute trying to nail them insults. I just 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 that I'm gonna have to come back here later and fine tune some stuffs, but for now I think it's pretty good for a dunce like me :D

Cya in the next one, brotatochips 😘

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