For The Sake Of Mothers

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Sometimes Allah
allows you to taste
the bitterness
of this world so that
you could fully
appreciate the
sweetness of faith.

Omar Suleiman




Doing what you love and loving what you do.

l cannot tell if there is a difference between the two because at the moment, I am doing both. As I always feel like I am doing whenever I have my hand running down my paint on canvasses.

Painting is a hobby that I never knew would turn into a lucrative activity in my life. Life pushed me into exploring my talents and I found out that I am a pretty good artist too.

I sold my first piece of Arabic calligraphy for a fair price two years ago after a while of practice, and ever since then, I have made a living by selling my artwork.

I finished the work by adding a fine gold powder to the outlines done on the dark green and gold raisins acrylic background which I bound with hide glue and worked it with a brush, and I stared at the perfection of the art. It was beaufiful, just as beautiful as the message it carried.

Perhaps you dislike something which is good for you and love something which is bad for you

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Perhaps you dislike something which is good for you and love something which is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know.

Sometimes in life, we may want something so much that we keep making dua for it, yet it may feel as though every door is closed and every road is blocked. In these circumstances, it is very easy to lose faith in Allah's mercy and think that your duas are not being heard, but it is extremely important for a believer to realize that no dua he offers is ever in vain. Perhaps, Allah is protecting you from what you are asking for because it may not be in your best interests.

Allah knows things that we do not.

Arabic calligraphy stands out for me among the other arts I create primarily because of how I relate to and reflect upon the verses of the Quran as I write them, and rather than making too much effort to design the contents in a beautiful manner, the blissful feeling I experience as I work on every piece causes it to appear naturally beautiful.

I gave the completed piece one more look over, feeling satisfied, and then I looked for a location on the walls of the space that had now become my studio, which was painted in a grey colors.

It was a two story structure in one of Kaduna's plaza. It was once a store that belonged to Aunt Mariya, a sister of Baba who resided in the state with her family. She relocated back to Bauchi with her husband after he retired from the civil service a year earlier. She is the closest relative I have in Kaduna, and she loves me just as much as any parent would love their nephew. She made sure I visited her frequently and I had her support and patronage when I started my painting business, and when she was moving back to Bauchi, she told me I could use her store and transform it into what I want to run my business for as long as I want, and here I am.

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