If I Had A Mother

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"Make new things, try new things, learn, live, push yourself, change yourself, change your world. Do things you've never done before, and more importantly, Do something"

Neil Gaiman





A bright morning sun penetrated through my eyelids and forced me awake. A groan escaped me as the sharp pain in my head flashed hard and hot as I tried to force my eyes open. I used my right hand to shield my eyes from the sun and my left to massage my temples in an attempt to massage the throbbing headache away. That is what you get for having too much to drink, but then again, I am allowed to get drunk at a party I threw at my house. Although this jolting head pain pounds more than just a hungover, I suspect Jass mixed my drink with something. I told him I didn't need any kind of fix, I would be returning home to Nigeria today, and I'd be needing a clearer head to meet my father, the one person I love in the whole world.

My phone buzzed beside me and it is a text message from the one person I love in the whole world.

You are growing up and I can't believe how fast. But be it a hundred or twenty four, you will always be my baby girl, the star of my heart and light of my life. i will see you when you come home. Cheers to twenty four. Happy birthday Mamana.

Cheers to twenty-four indeed. My head is muddled so I can't pin the emotion I am feeling about the message. Well, thanks Abba I love you too.

I wonder why I forget my birthdays, I mean I throw parties for the smallest reason I find to do it but my birthdays are always off the hook. I am never excited about it like others are for me. But Hooray! Let's do some photoshoots and post for the fans. On another thought, I'd rather make one for the haters so they have a case study on me since it is, after all, my day.

I turned on my camera and positioned it to my face, with a not-so-decent nightie and a glimpse of improper flesh, I took a shot and posted it on my TL with a caption,

A year older, prettier, better, richer, and y'all bitches can't do a thing about it, so keep on hating on your way to hell...



The comments started dropping in as soon as the message is posted.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

No home training...Where is your Dad?

Go girlll!!!

We all know who is going to hell here...

And well, blah blah blah...

I can't keep up with reading all the comments. There are going to be undoubtedly thousands of them before the day ends. I have over a million followers with the majority being those that are only waiting to feed on my forms of conduct to spew their bile by pointing out my immorality. Hypocrites!

Well, they are talking. The objective has been achieved.

Happy birthday to me!

I dropped my legs on the floor and took myself off the bed, feeling the silkiness of my duchess satin nightdress smothering my skin as I sauntered through the penthouse that has the floor-to-ceiling glass windows that comprised the eastern walls of the vast living room area. White vintage sofas encircled a wide ombre table which was strewn with drinking glasses and empty bottles alike, and littered about are crumbs and remnants of fried pickles, cheese and steaks, and sandwiches. People don't know how to clean up after a party, and why isn't Amelia here yet to put the place back in shape? I hate mess!

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