The Way To a Fresh Start

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The life of this world is made up of three days: yesterday has gone with all that was done; tomorrow, you may never reach; but today is for you so do what you should do today.

Al-Bayhaqi, Al-Zuhd Al-Kabir




I click on the full-screen bar and adjust the laptop on my office desk, and the one-year-old little lad's face fills up the entire screen as we FaceTime. Cute as ever, with chubby cheeks and bright eyes, giggling and making bubbly gestures, my heart overflowing with fondness as I watch him interact, and Al'amin just has to end the moment by putting the camera back to his face. I cannot suppress the little frown that creeps on my face.

"You do know that I didn't Video call to see your face right?" I say unapologetic, but Al'amin laughs, visibly not offended.

"Well, I need to see yours since you've become a VIP, and seeing you in person is nearly impossible these days, or should I say these years. You ventured into Marna Motors, became a millionaire, and cut ties," Al'amin accuses in a playful tone.

Even though I know he's jesting, his words do cut a sling. I am quite sure many of our friends share this view and judge me by it. In reality, I did cut ties, but for reasons completely diverse to the fact that I am doing very well—opulent if I am honest, and everything to do with the fact that they're all back home, and home is the one thing I unfathomably wish to stay disconnected with. And I've been doing so for three years now.

Al'amin, although, who used to be my best friend, is the one friend who hasn't let me slip away. Even though I fail on every occasion to live up to the best of friends title, Al'amin still holds it for the both of us, clinging to the shreds of it—struggling to keep in touch once in a blue moon, mostly on occasions; today is one because it's his son's first birthday.

"You know that's not true man," I cut my thoughts and provide him with a response, running a palm across my nape. "There's no way I am cutting ties because of that, you of all people should know I am beyond that."

"Then give me a valid explanation for your behavior MK," He prods. Studying my face as if searching for the answer. He could be able to find it if there's one. And is the video call not meant to be with my Godson?

"Hey I am not the only person that should be charged with such an accusation, you came to Kano and you didn't seek me!" I counter, pretending like I have a case as well.

"I came on a one-day assignment and there was no time. See, guy, you cannot even compare that to your actions. You've isolated yourself from everyone, maybe even your family. Like who the hell does that?" Al'amin's tone turns reprimanding. I think he's gone far enough, actually, he exceeds the line by bringing up my family. It's time to end this call.

"I have to go now," I say sternly, but Al'amin's voice is even gruffer,

"Of course, bye." Clearly upset, he ends the call abruptly. I let out a long sigh and lean back in my chair, getting lost in thoughts, thoughts that truly make me feel lost. A knock on the office door breaks my reverie. A welcoming distraction.

"Yes, come in," I usher.

Eugene, one of the receptionists, opens the door and enters.

"You have a visitor, sir."


"It's me," a voice I recognize answers, stepping beside Eugene, A polite look accompanying her neutral friendliness.

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