Home Is The New Nightmare

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The Heart that believes and fears ALLAH Shall always have Peace & Contentment. May you and your Family remain peaceful & contented forever. May Allah fulfil all our needs, may HE accept all our duas, remove our difficulties and Protect us from Shaytaan and all Evil.....




I drove into the Marna Villa some minutes before Asr prayer and found a spot to park the Bentley spur sedan.

The house is called a Villa because of its stand out in the area and the way it is designed to imitate an ancient roman country house for the elite.

The voluminous white-story building stands in the middle of the excessive landscape of the house which is endowed with a garden of numerous useful trees and features several terraces and balconies. And what makes it even more standout in the area is its large mosque with relatively tall towering minarets which are attached from the outside and sighted several meters away from it. It has become a central mosque for the area, referred to as Masallacin Marna.

This place, this house which has become just like a second home to me feels like a second home to me. Although I hardly step inside the building but I am almost always at the house because I have somehow managed to become the right-hand man of the owner, as they like to call me.

Two years ago, I was just an employee at Marna Motors but over the years, I have earned a reputable position with the owner which gives me access to both his personal and professional life. He said I have earned it, that I have shown diligence and dedication, and all the qualities of trustworthiness since I started working for him. But I have a feeling that I didn't breach all the steps to the position on my own, yes, it is true that I have always done the things I do well, I discharge my duties accordingly and I stand firm on my true word. But Mamman Marna had always been fond of me, and it is still dating to the day I rescued him on the road in the night. He purposefully posted me to different levels in the two years I have worked in his company, monitoring my behaviors and general conduct, bringing me closer until I ranked up to his sales director, personal manager, personal assistant, you name it.

This has caused me several adversaries from his other workers who believe they should be in my stead looking at the years they've been with him compared to my time. I on the other try to be as unaffected by their air of antagonism, I do what I am tasked to do and do it to the best of my ability, and I try not to take the favoritism, as the tag name is given, for granted.

I duly respect Mamman Marna, not only as my Boss but as a person. He is kind, considerate, and disciplined, and most importantly, he is very conscious of his lord in all his dealings. I have witnessed way so many of them to vouch for him, he is a man of God and that has toppled my admiration of him. He also likes preeminence and expects nothing other than to get the job done. This is why I adhere to getting the job done for him, like how I have just seen to the job of customizing the plate number of the latest Bentley which he would present to his only daughter who had been out of the country and coming home today, and according to the time he said she would arrive, she should already be in the house.

I gave the brand-new car a once over, making sure everything is in order since I am put in charge of making sure it is right from the onset. I hopped out of it and gave the exterior another one, a pulverized diamond painted, spotless, she is a beauty. This girl they call Daulah will have a very interesting companion.

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