ii. sluts

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map bitch; ❛ PARASITE ❜↷ heartbreak high❝ don't you miss me? ❞

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map bitch; ❛ PARASITE ❜
↷ heartbreak high
❝ don't you miss me?


Gathered inside of Classroom 5D, were all of the students whose names were written on the Incest Map. Arabella grimaced when she and Cash reached the classroom and realized that everyone else was already inside.

"Come on, Douglas and Bloom." The Headmistress rushed them as they brushed past her through the doorway.

Most of the people she knew were already in their seats so it was easy to find two empty seats as far away from them as possible.

Without any arguments, Cash followed her towards a seat near the window.

"Oi, eshay bah!" Ant and Spider called out when he passed them which caused him to flip them off and then sit down.

"How was hooking up in the bathroom, love birds?" Spider asked them loudly, never being able to keep his mouth shut nor his misplaced jealousy at bay.

Arabella rolled her eyes and snapped, "Piss off, Spencer."

Cash uncomfortably shifted in his seat which caused her to raise an eyebrow and give him a curious look. In response, he ducked his head down and stayed silent.

"Oi," Darren spoke up, their words directed towards Dusty, Spencer and Ant, "what's the cemetery?"

Spider gave them a look of annoyance and shot back, "None of ya biz, bong water."

Darren rolled their eyes and turned back around to face the front of the classroom just as Woodsy spoke up. "Okay. Settle down. Thank you."

"Hi, everyone." The teacher next to her gave them a warm smile. "I'm Miss Josephine Obah but you can call me Jojo. Kind of like Yo-Yo but J." She let out a nervous chuckle and cleared her throat when she didn't receive a single laugh from the crowd of students. "I'm an English teacher, so I know some of you. But I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here."

Arabella stared at her blankly.

Yeah, because that was so hard to figure out.

Miss Jojo was a good English teacher and she could say from experience that she was a pretty good teacher in general. Most teachers didn't care if their students were failing but Miss Jojo actually helped her pass English the previous year and made their classes interesting.

"Well, your names were on the map in the stairwell. You know, the one that's out of bounds."

A boy sitting right in front of Arabella, next to Amerie, raised his hand and asked, "Um, what map?"

He seemed genuinely confused and Arabella could not recognize him so she guessed that he was a new student and got into the wrong classroom or something.

parasite ❪ HEARTBREAK HIGH ❫Where stories live. Discover now